2024年12月29日 星期日

Those Others on the Other Side of the Other Strait

Not long ago a guy I know said goodbye to Taiwan.  Will he ever move back?  I don't know.  He and I got along well enough, but I didn't see him that often and we never got to know each other that well.

Where did he move to?  He moved to the Philippines with his Filipino girlfriend.  I heard they own a plot of land down there, and (according to a couple other people at least) his plan is to become a pilot in the Philippines after obtaining his pilot's license.

Either that or they're going to open an art gallery.  Or both.  I'm really not sure.

Receiving the news of his departure reminded me of another local expat I used to know, a more contentious character that I sometimes ran into at the Flowing Lake.  He was always nice to me, I'm compelled to say, but I've heard that he could be very confrontational with other people.

His story is a lot darker.  He also moved down to the Philippines, but not long after moving there he was murdered.  I'd share the details of his case, but I'm still vague as to what actually happened.  All I can say is that I always feel a little sad when I think about him.  We had some interesting conversations by the lake, and I was always thankful for the cooler of beers he brought along.

People don't immediately think of the numerous connections between the Philippines and Taiwan, but yes, there are many.  Many Filipino people live and work here, and many commercial ventures tie the two island nations together.  It isn't always a comfortable relationship, and both racism and nationalism can play into one group's attitude toward the other, but there's a steady flow of people across the Luzon Strait, and the two places do have things in common.*

According to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in the Philippines website, the Philippines "has been prioritized by the Republic of China (Taiwan) as the gateway to the ASEAN countries in the new 'Southbound Policy.'"  "In 2023," this website goes on to state, "Taiwan and the Philippines two-way trade amounted to $7.41 billion," with "more than 350,000 Filipino tourists visiting Taiwan between January and October 2024."  This website further states that there are 150,000 Filipino workers in Taiwan "who are fairly treated and well protected by the law."  The National Immigration Agency and the Ministry of the Interior don't offer detailed information on immigration and emigration with respect to countries of origin, but I assume that the TECO statement's numbers are coming from them.

There is, by the way, a MECO (Manila Economic and Cultural Office) which serves as a counterpart to TECO.  This MECO operates offices in Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung, and it pursues what it calls a "limited engagement strategy" with Taiwan while affirming the One China Policy.  There's an essay on this topic in the Global Taiwan Brief.  It's an an interesting read.

As I type this entry, other recent examples of the ways in which these two nations interact come to mind.  I recently visited downtown Tainan and was surprised to find a two-story Filipino grocery store not far from the Tainan Train Station.  Not only was this place full of shoppers on a Sunday, but on the shelves I found a host of goods I'd never seen before, all in quantities which indicated that this grocery store is doing a brisk business.

You can also see signs of a growing Filipino population in Nandze District, Kaohsiung City.  There are several large Filipino restaurants near the Kaohsiung Municipal Park, and the Nandze District Office posts community bulletins in Tagalog alongside other languages.  If you don't believe me, just sit for a while in front of the Donutes on Dexian Road.  Sooner or later a group of Filipinos will walk by, headed either to their homes or to one of the many factories in that area.

There are also, by the way, many Filipino teachers in Taiwanese public schools.  Setting aside for a moment the question of whether the Philippines is truly an "English-speaking country," I can say with certainty that many (not all) of these Filipino teachers are equal to the task of teaching English in Taiwan.  Sure, some local English teachers gripe about Filipino teachers who are obviously NOT native English speakers, but more stringent standards defining "native English speakers" are the responsibility of the Taiwanese people or organizations recruiting these teachers, not of the Filipino teachers themselves.

At any rate Filipinos are, I've found, nice people, and I like talking to them.  Like me they're just trying to get ahead in life.  Like me they're also, with some exceptions, trying to do their jobs the best they're able.  If some locals think they aren't good enough, that sentiment should be addressed on a case-by-case basis, and those assigning blame should be careful to avoid stereotypes and misconceptions.

...but maybe that's a debate for another day.  My goal here is only a discussion of the ways in which two nations, Taiwan and the Philippines, are growing closer together.  No, it's not all rainbows and sunshine between the two parties, and yes, there's more exploitation on one side than there is on the other, but I don't want to paint too gloomy a picture of how Taiwan interacts with its southern neighbor.

Whatever happens in the future, I doubt that Taiwan and the Philippines will move further apart.  Sure, the Philippines' government can be kind of... embarrassing, and sure, some Taiwanese people have some very racial attitudes toward the people of the Philippines and other nearby Southeast Asian countries, but given the kind of pressure Mainland China is exerting on both places, I can't see Taiwan and the Philippines maintaining the kind of political distance that used to be the norm.  Politicians in Taiwan might not like to admit it, but Taiwan needs the Philippines, just as it relies on the spoken or unspoken support of other neighbors.  Certain Taiwanese people might think they're above such things, but there are geopolitical realities at play, alliances to be observed, and relationships to protect.

Would I ever live or work in the Philippines?  I highly doubt it, primarily because there's not much money in that for me, and I'm too well dug into Taiwan at this point in my life.  But I would like to visit the Philippines someday, perhaps in the company of someone who could help me understand it better.

Here's hoping that Taiwan's people, and by extension its government, can continue to find ways of including Filipino residents in its public events, social activities and other matters of importance.  The people of the Philippines have already contributed a lot to this island, and people in Taiwan ignore these contributions at their peril.  Taiwan's future is, after all, an international future, and maintaining good relations with regional neighbors is one step toward this multinational tomorrow.

Related Entries:

*Luzon Strait or Bashi Channel?  The Bashi Channel is part of the Luzon Strait.  The Luzon Strait connects the Philippines Sea and the East China Sea, while the Bashi Channel separates Orchid Island and Mavulis Island in the Philippines.

2024年12月22日 星期日

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (South 南) 6

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1. 安南區 Annan District

1a. After a recent rezoning of the Bei-an Commercial District, an ambitious development plan should be enacted there soon.  More land has been allocated for commercial and industrial use, and the project only awaits final approval.  Once this final approval is granted there will be a new department store and commercial district in the area. 台南安南區商60打造副都心土地分配公告  飯店 , 商場進駐快了

1b. There are many flowers blooming in Annan District, where Taijiang National Park is located.  Click the following link for pictures. 木芙蓉 + 毛苦參 + 蓖麻  台南市安南區四草里台江國家公園 12/15

2. 中西區 West Central District

2a. A new housing project (i.e. new apartment buildings) dubbed "THE KING" was recently completed in West Central District.  The area has seen unprecedented growth since the advent of the South Taiwan Science Park.  As you can probably imagine, the price of an apartment in THE KING isn't cheap. 台南超罕見高價大樓 "住宅革命" !  坐落 "高綠覆 , 視野優" 生活圈

3. 安平區 Anping District

3a. There was a fire late at night in a house in Anping.  The family living inside escaped without injury. 台南安平深夜民宅失火  屋主一家及時逃生

4. 南區 South District

4a. Another apartment complex is under construction in South District.  This complex should be completed in 2028. 台南市南區商圈成長  帶動區域房市租購需求 665 戶 "鯤鯓安居" 社宅117年將完工

5. 北區 North District

5a. Work on a railway project has been completed, and a section of Shrjian Street has reopened to scooter and pedestrian traffic. 台南市北區實踐街平交道  今天只開放機車 , 行人通行

6. 安定區 Anding District

6a. Students from Nanxing and Shanhua elementary schools visited Anding to learn about the local flax industry. 台南食農遊學地圖最終站  走入田間摃胡麻

7. 東區 East District

7a. There was a fire in an apartment building in East District.  It was extinguished quickly and no one was injured. 台南東區大樓1樓店面凌晨驚傳火警  火煙冒出幸無傷亡

8. 善化區 Shanhua District

8a. The Tainan City Government has been pushing forward with plans to improve public facilities and other infrastructure in Shanhua.  The district's proximity to the South Taiwan Science Park is a big factor in this initiative.  Construction of an activity center in the area is already underway. 南科園區帶動善化發展  台南市府加快公共建設

9. 新市區 Xinshr District

9a. A woman driving a scooter through Xinshr struck a telephone pole for unknown reasons.  She died at the scene and a family member she was carrying on the scooter is in critical condition. 台南死亡車禍 !  婦雙載  "自撞電線桿" 噴飛不治  15歲姪命危搶救

10. 永康區 Yongkang District

10a. The Tainan City Aboriginal Association plans to build a gathering hall for aboriginal residents in Yongkang.  The district has the highest proportion of aboriginal residents in the city, and these residents have been renting out various spaces for their community gatherings.  After a military facility is moved to nearby Guanmiao construction of the gathering hall will begin.  This project should be completed by 2026. 台南砸3千6百萬永康建聚會所  估115年完工

11. 仁德區 Rende District

11a. Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-zhe recently visited Rende to inspect an ongoing roadside drainage improvement project there. 黃偉哲親察仁德區新建雨水箱涵

12. 歸仁區 Gueiren District

12a. There was a fire in a house in Gueiren.  After arriving at the scene responders found the homeowner visibly intoxicated, and he's suspected of having set the fire himself.  He was arrested and is being questioned. 台南歸仁民宅深夜火警  疑屋主酒後臥室縱火

12b. The Chief of the Gueiren Police Station is suspected of corruption and is under investigation by the relevant authorities.  He was previously suspended for hitting someone with his car while under the influence of alcohol.  His corruption case centers around his possibly leaking information related to an investigation of waste that was illegally disposed of in another part of the city. 9年前酒駕撞人  "停職又復職"  台南歸仁警所長涉洩密  貪汙遭調查

12c. Gueiren's population is fast approaching 70,000.  The reasons for this growth?  Proximity to a High Speed Rail station, a new "AI ecological industrial zone" and the opening of a branch of American firm AMD Semiconductor Company in the area. 台南小鎮逐漸長大 !  歸仁人口直逼7萬  3大原因助攻

13. 關廟區 Guanmiao District

13a. A man cleaning up a drained fish pond fell into the bed of clay/mud at the base of this pond up to his head.  It took firefighters half an hour to extract him. 台南關廟泥巴地 "浮出一顆頭"  30分鐘後真相曝光7人在場傻眼

14. 新化區 Xinhua District

14a. Flood control work on the Benggou River will be completed next month. 崩溝溪台南新化周邊常淹水  整治下月底完工

15. 龍崎區 Longqi District

15a. Longqi's Light Festival has already begun.  Those visiting on weekends or the Chinese New Year holiday should expect traffic. 2025台南龍崎光節空山祭來了 !  時間地點 , 門票套票 , 活動內容 , 交通資訊一次看 !

15b. The Longxing Community Development Association recently held a market at Nioupushui Ecological Park.  This market served as a venue for local agricultural products. 台南龍崎首場 "牛埔里山農村餐桌市集"  今熱鬧登場

16. 左鎮區 Zuojhen District

16a. No recent news out of Zuojhen. (1)

17. 山上區 Shanshang District

17a. The proximity of the South Taiwan Science Park isn't only causing real estate prices to rise in places like West Central District.  Houses in districts as far away as Shanshang are also becoming more expensive. 南科串聯衛星園區  台南1區還有透天總價千萬起

18. 玉井區 Yujing District

18b. Officers from the Yujing Branch of the Tainan City police force recently patrolled Yujing, Nanhua and Nanxi districts to check for signs of illegal activity.  Many of those engaged in the illegal manufacture of drugs or those wanted by the authorities for other reasons often hide out in mountainous districts like Yujing. 玉井警深入山區全面清查治安死角  守護山區市民生命財產安全 (2)

19. 楠西區 Nanxi District

19a. A dual language (Mandarin and Hakka) storybook, "The Plum Blossoms of Nanxi," was recently published.  A little over 6% of Nanxi's population identifies as Hakka. 客華雙語繪本 "楠西的梅花" 刻印台南客家族拚足跡

20. 南化區 Nanhua District

20a. The Longhu ("Dragon Lake") Hiking Trail is among several other sites in Tainan recently upgraded by the Bureau of Tourism.  A rest stop has been added to the trail. 台南山海埤塘再升級  5處重要景點完成升級改造

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Don't be fooled by that picture.  Most of the district isn't that scenic.

2. I know way more than I want to know about this topic.  My wife regularly watches a true crime show on YouTube, and I thanks to this show I've learned that Yujing and adjoining areas are excellent places to hide a body.

2024年12月16日 星期一

Yongkang District, Tainan City 台南市永康區

Yongkang is northwest of Gueiren and west of Xinhua.  Like Linluo in Pingtung or Xiaogang in Kaohsiung, there isn't much in Yongkang for tourists.  The parts closer to downtown Tainan are residential areas, while the parts closer to Xinhua are more a mix of residential areas and factories. 永康位於歸仁的西北部 , 新化的西部 。就像 屏東縣麟洛鄉高雄市小港區一樣, 永康沒什麼旅遊景點 。 永康靠近台南市區的部分住宅房子比較多 , 比較靠近新化的部分則是工廠與住宅區混雜。

Yongkang and I go back a long way.  During my earliest years in Taiwan my mother-in-law lived there, and we often took the bus between Taichung, where we then lived, and Yongkang to visit her. 我跟永康有點歷史 。  我岳母的家在永康, 我最早幾年住在臺灣的時候 ,   我們常從台中的家坐公車到永康。.

According to the last census, 235,568 people live in Yongkang. 上次的人口統計顯示永康的人口是235,568人 。

This is Yongkang Park.  If the weather's cooler it's not a bad place for a stroll.  It's between the Jungshan Freeway and Highway 1, in the southern half of the district. 這是永康公園 。  天氣涼快的時候這裡適合散步 ,它位在永康南部 , 中山高速公路 和台1線中間 。

The "baby tigers" were installed in the park during COVID.  The idea was that they'd make the park more Instagram-worthy. 這些老虎寶寶是疫情的時候安裝的 ,  老虎寶寶是為了讓遊客拍照打卡的。

There's also this M48A3.  Tigers and tanks are... fun? 還有一輛M48A3 。  坦克跟老虎寶寶......好玩嗎 ?

To the north of Yongkang Park is the Yongkang Train Station.  It's also close to the Jungshan Freeway. 永康車站位於永康公園北部 , 也很靠近中山高速公路

This road connects the Yongkang Industrial Area to the train station. 這條路從永康車站通往永康工業區 。

On the same road is this old house.  I suspect that when it was built this area was VERY different.  Back then Yongkang was probably more farmland than factories. 這間舊房子在同一條路上 。  我猜想這房子剛蓋的時候這裡應該很鄉下吧 ! 農田應該多於工廠。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

2024年12月13日 星期五

Taitung in the News 台東的新聞 (South 南) 1

1. Beinan Township 卑南鄉

1a. This article, aimed at tourists, discusses a pottery workshop in Xinbanjiu Village in Beinan Township, not far from the Balan Archaeological site. 台東藝文之旅  發現鹿野熱氣球升空前的秘辛 , 卑南鄉燒 , 回望巴蘭遺址千年故事 (1)

1b. Portuguese Man-of-War jellyfish have been found along the coast, and those getting in the water or walking along beaches should exercise caution.  They are not safe to touch. 千萬別碰 !  台東海岸驚現 "大批僧帽水母"  專家示警 : 遺骸仍有毒

1c. Construction of an "Amis learning base" has been completed along the coast.  Next year a group of sailors from Palau will attempt an ocean voyage from their country to this base.  It is hoped that exchanges between Palau and aboriginal residents of Beinan will increase local knowledge of seafaring techniques. 台東阿美族海洋學習基地落成  明年迎帛琉船隻交流

2a. Due to a scarcity of parking spots, many people are parking their cars on Ssewei Road for long periods of time.  In response to this trend the County Government plans to implement parking fees on this thoroughfare. 台東市四維路停車格遭長期霸占  縣府將採收費 (2)

2b. The Taitung City Mayor hosted a food drive for elderly residents in need.  Much of the food acquired during this drive was donated through the local business association. 寒冬送暖  企業聯盟捐贈台東市文健站物資

2c. This is another article aimed at tourists.  This one advertises local hotels and homestays.  If nothing else you can scroll through the pictures to get an idea of what's on offer in Taitung City. 台東市內6家永續旅宿精選 ... (3)

3a. No recent news out of Taimali.

4a. A man riding his motorcycle through Jinfeng struck a guardrail.  He died at the scene from a severe head injury. 台東金峰機車自撞護欄  騎士摔落邊坡頭部重創身亡

5a. In the interest of promoting lifelong learning and providing educational opportunities for adults in the area, instructors from Kongzhong University in Taipei have been holding classes in Dawu.  Many of those attending these classes are working toward high school diplomas. 推動原鄉終身學習  空大睽違5年到台東大武開班 (4)

6a. There's a shortage of sanitation workers in Daren, with only 6 such workers left to deal with the entire township's garbage disposal and recycling needs.  A local councilmember is pressing the Environmental Protection Bureau to address the problem. 台東達仁清潔隊員吃不消  議員質詢喊增員

6b. Police officers met with villagers in Anshuo Village to discuss traffic safety and ways of avoiding fraud.  Online scammers touting "investment opportunities" have been an increasingly large problem all over the island. 台東大武警結合安朔部落會議  交安及防詐宣導

7a. Cleanup of an oil spill around Nandze Lake is nearing completion.  This cleanup has taken nearly a year, and the cause remains a mystery. 歷時近1年 !  綠島鄉南仔湖不明油污清理工作終完成 (5)

7b. This article advertises the Zhaorh Hot Spring, which is on the coast of Green Island.  I haven't been there in a while, but I can tell you that the view is indeed awesome. 綠島之湯 -- 朝日溫泉

8a. Orchid Island Township Mayor Xie Hu-yuan passed away in November, and Jiang Duo-li has been sworn in as interim mayor in his place. 蘭嶼鄉長謝胡源逝世  縣府指派江多利接任代理鄉長

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: I have omitted articles posted on the 台灣新聞雲報 website.  I am extremely skeptical of this news source.

1. That "xin" in the name of the village could easily be translated as "new."  It sometimes happens that villages have to relocate after typhoons, floods or other natural disasters and "new" is added to the name of the new settlement.  This said, aboriginal place names are sometimes transliterated from the local language, and the "xin" might just be a word from Beinan or some other local dialect.  Most likely the "xin" really does mean "new," but I'm trying not to assume too much.

2. I live near this road and yes, parking in this area is becoming an increasing challenge.  With new apartment buildings under construction on and near Ssewei Road it's only going to get worse.

3. Friends sometimes ask me where they should stay in Taitung City.  I think that if you're sticking close to downtown and don't care that much about money the Gaya Hotel is a good bet.  The Kindness Hotel is also a good option.

4. The main campus is in Taipei, but this school has branch campuses and study centers all over the island.

5. It's not really a lake.  It's more of a tidal pool.

2024年12月8日 星期日

The Jerben (Zhiben) Hot Spring Area 知本溫泉區 (Taitung 台東)

The Jerben Hot Spring Area is in Beinan Township, Taitung County.  It's about 25 minutes from downtown Taitung. 知本溫泉區位於台東縣卑南鄉 , 離台東市區25分鐘 。

I've been visiting this hot spring area for over a decade.  It's definitely not my favorite hot spring area, but at this point in my life it's like an old, old friend.  Every time I drive through it I get caught up in memories of long-gone people, places and things. 我來這個溫泉區泡湯已經超過十年的時間 。  知本溫泉區不是我最喜歡的溫泉區 , 可是我對它的感情就像是對一位老朋友一樣 。  我每次去到那裏就想起很久以前的事情 。

This is the Hotel Royal (Chihpen).  It's on the hill above the hot spring area.  This is the hot spring you'll want to visit if you're looking for "fancy."  It's the most expensive of the local hot springs. 這是知本老爺大飯店 , 它位在溫泉區山坡上 ,  想去設備比較高級的溫泉的遊客一定要來這裡 ,它是知本溫泉區內最貴的 。

This is the view from the temple next to the Hotel Royal.  That's the Jerben ("Zhiben") River in the center of the picture, with A-Ya-Wang Hot Spring's red roof visible at the bottom of the hill. 這是老爺旁廟宇前面的風景 。 在照片中間的是知本溪 , ㄚ一ㄚ旺的紅色屋頂在山坡下 。

I don't like it as much now, but A-Ya-Wang used to be my "go-to" in Jerben.  Back then it was cheap and never crowded. 我現在沒那麼喜愛ㄚ一ㄚ旺 。  我以前最喜歡ㄚ一ㄚ旺的原因是它便宜又不擁擠。

A view of the same temple.  That's the Hotel Royal behind the trees to the right. 同一所廟 , 老爺在右邊的樹後面 。

These are the hot spring pools at A-Ya-Wang, a hot spring that has been "under construction" for as long as I can remember. ㄚ一ㄚ旺的溫泉池 ,  這個地方一直都在施工中,已經十幾年的時間了。

There's a cute fish pond on the other side of the pools. 溫泉池另外一邊有可愛的魚池 。

And this is the Jerben river from the other side of the fish pond. 魚池另外一邊看到的知本溪 。

This is further up the road that passes through the hot spring area.  That building to the right is part of the Jerben Forest Recreation Area. 經過溫泉區再進去一點 , 右邊的建築是知本森林遊樂區的一部分 。

I have a love-hate relationship with the Forest Recreation Area.  It can be a nice place for a walk, offering scenic views of the river valley, yet it's also the abode of monkeys and various stinging insects.  I recommend visiting in the winter. 森林遊樂區讓我又愛又恨的 :  在這裡散步和欣賞溪谷的風景很好玩 , 可是它卻有很多猴子和螫人的昆蟲在裡面 。  我覺得冬天去比較好 。

This store is across the river from the Forest Recreation Area.  It's been here forever.  Hot spring eggs are available at the far end of the building. 這家店在森林遊樂區對面,歷史悠久,  它後方在賣溫泉蛋 。

I don't know if this peak has a name, but it looks EVIL and I like it.  There's a turnoff near here with more views of the river. 我不知道這座山坡有沒有名字 ,  我很喜歡它的 "惡魔存在" 感 。  這裡還有一段小路可以看風景 。

This is closer to the entrance to the hot spring area.  That big brown building across the river is Fuye Hot Spring Hotel. 比較靠近溫泉區的入口 。 溪另外一邊咖啡色的建築是富野溫泉休閒會館 。

This is one of two bridges connecting the two sides of the hot spring area.  The Journey to the East Hot Spring is nearby. 連接溫泉區的兩岸有兩座橋 , 這是其中一座 ,  這座橋靠近東遊季

There used to be a 7-11 on the other end of this bridge, in the brown building near the center of the picture.  I was surprised to learn it had closed down. 以前這座橋另外一邊的那棟咖啡色建築物裡有一家7-11 , 我很驚訝地發現那家7-11不見了 。

There's a nice park at the north end of the bridge. 橋的北邊有座好看的公園 。

This is a vacant lot across from Hot Spring Elementary School.  I couldn't tell you why, but I find this piece of land somewhat hypnotic.  Beyond those trees is the Jerben Forest Trail, which once stretched all the way over the mountains into Wutai in Pingtung County.  Last I heard the middle section is closed to hikers. 這是溫泉國小對面的空地 。  我不知道為什麼 , 我很喜歡看著這塊空地 。  那些樹後方是曾經連接台東卑南鄉屏東縣霧台鄉知本林道 ,我聽說步道的中段現在禁止進入 。

This field is just across from the Journey to the East Hot Spring.  Again, many memories.  We hosted a couple English summer camps here, and yes, the mosquitoes were intense. 這是東遊季前面的草地。 我有很多這裡的回憶, 我們以前在這裡舉辦過二次英語寒假活動 , 我記得那時候蚊子超多 。

The Journey to the East Hot Spring was a terrible place to go when the Mainland Chinese tourists were still visiting.  I can remember some of them taking off their shoes and washing their feet in the pools, and sometimes you'd even see them strip down to their underwear and sit in the pools without taking a shower first.  在中國團客到臺灣旅遊的時期,東遊季真不是個好的休閒區,因為有些中國遊客會在溫泉池脫鞋洗腳, 甚至沒沖洗就穿內衣褲下水。

This is near the entrance to the hot spring area.  There are slightly cheaper hot spring tickets available in a couple stores on this road.  There aren't so many touts here now, undoubtedly due to a downturn in traffic through the area. 靠近溫泉區的入口 。  在路上的商店可以買到比較便宜的溫泉卷 ,  現在不像以前有那麼多人在賣溫泉卷 ,應該是來客數沒那麼多。

I cornered this toad in my school.  I tried to interview him about his feelings regarding the Jerben Hot Spring Area, but he refused to answer my questions.  Toads are known for their rudeness. 我在學校碰到了這隻蟾蜍 ,  我想訪問牠關於溫泉區的意見 , 但牠都不理我 ,  蟾蜍是有名的沒有禮貌 !

This is still further down the Jerben River, not far from the local 7-11.  I'd avoid the Jerben Hot Spring area on big holiday weekends, but during other times it's still well worth a visit. 順著知本溪往東邊一點 , 靠近這地區的7-11。   我會避開連假和節日來這裡, 其他時間來這裡玩很不錯 。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. In fairness to the Mainland Chinese tourists, there were several "waves" of them during Ma Ying-jeou's presidency.  The earliest to arrive were fine, but by the time we'd worked our way down several tiers we were dealing with people who obviously had little knowledge of how to conduct themselves abroad.