2021年5月16日 星期日

Roaming Around Shrdze Township 獅子鄉遊記

Shrdze Township is east of Fangshan and south of Chunrh.  It's Pingtung County's largest township, and has a population of 4,817.  Anyone going from Kaohsiung to Taitung passes through Shrdze on their way through the mountains. 獅子鄉位於枋山的東部 , 春日的南部 .  獅子鄉屏東縣內最大的鄉鎮 , 統計人口是4,817人 .  從高雄台東的旅客都要經過獅子山區 .

Shrdze means "lion."  According to Wikipedia, the township is named after a rock in Shrdze Village which resembles a lion. 維基百科解釋 , 獅子這個名稱是從獅子村附近的石頭來的 .

At the southern end of Shrdze Township is the Liloong Mountain Trail.  It's a very remote, very quiet place that few people visit.  My only complaint about it is the monkeys.  I really don't like monkeys. 獅子鄉的南部有里龍山步道 .  那個地方很偏遠安靜 , 到那裏的觀光客不多 .  我唯一不喜歡的部分是猴子 .

Further north is Xinlu Village, not far from the Southern Cross-Island Highway.  往北邊一點點就是靠近南迴公路新路村 . (1)

They grow a lot of mangoes in Shrdze.  Fields like this can be seen all over south Pingtung County.  獅子鄉到處都是芒果園 .  芒果是屏東縣南部很重要的農產品 .

That bridge in the background is a new section of the Southern Cross-Island Highway.  This road has been under construction for years.  背景的橋就是南迴公路最新的一段 .  那條公路已經施工好幾年了.

Many of the roads branching off from the Southern Cross-Island Highway lead to the Fenggang River, which still holds a surprising amount of water.  從南迴公路延伸的幾條山路都通往楓港溪楓港溪裡面的水還不少.

Still further north is Shrdze Village.  Like Xinlu it's also surrounded by mango fields.  北邊一點有獅子村 .  這個小村落跟新路一樣芒果園多 .

This particular field had signs around it warning that it was "electrified."  I'm still not sure what was being electrified - if anything.  Farmers get super paranoid just before it's time to harvest the fruit.  這個果園有告示牌說 "有電 ."  我還不知道哪裡有電 .  隨著採收芒果的時間來臨 , 農夫們對小偷都很警惕 .

You may have noticed this when traveling through Fangshan.  It's on the hill just above the highway.  "I Love Shrdze Township."  你經過枋山的時候大概看過這個東西 .  它位在公路旁邊的小山坡 .  "我愛獅子鄉 ."

Closer to Fangliao is Jungxinluen Village.  The train line from Taitung runs along those mountains in the distance.  靠近枋寮中心崙村 .  南迴鐵路經過後面的山坡 .

I even found an abandoned botanical garden with its own abandoned temple.  The trees were pretty, and I wanted to walk further inside, but I was worried about snakes. 我甚至找到無人管的植物園 .  裡面也有一所被人遺忘的廟 .  裡面的樹很漂亮 .  我想走進去 , 可是我怕有蛇.

Just south of Fangliao is Neishr Village.  It's another place surrounded by mangoes. 內獅村靠近枋寮鄉的南部 .  這個村一樣外環都是芒果園 .

And this bit of Paiwan tribal art is to be found at Neishr Elementary School, where I taught a lesson not long ago.  The kids there have a lot of energy. 這是內獅國小排灣族藝術品 .  我最近在那裏教過一堂課 .  那邊的孩子很有精神 .

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. And that stretch of road between Xinlu and Tsaopu 草埔?  There's a lot of construction on that road now, and riding the scooter up to Tsaopu seemed like more trouble than it was worth.  If you follow the road further up you'll pass by Shuangliu Forest Recreation Area, and for those interested there are some pictures of it here.  Aside from Shuangliu (and another trail) there's not much up there.

