2024年10月13日 星期日

Central Fuli 富里市區 (Hualien 花蓮)

Central Fuli is in Fuli Township, Hualien County.  I've passed through this place many times on my way to or from Hualien, though I can't say I know it as well as I ought to. 富里市區位於花蓮縣富里鄉 。  我來回花蓮的時候經過富里好幾次 , 可是我還不是很了解那個地區 。

We took the train from Taitung City to Fuli.  On the local train this trip takes about an hour.  After you step out of the train you'll see this old air raid shelter repurposed as a local landmark. 我們從台東市坐區間車到富里 ,路程約一小時,  下車的時候會看到這座變成地標的防空洞 。

I doubt I'll be taking the train to Fuli again.  Going up there was fine, but the trip back took so long that it was driving me crazy.  The local train has to stop for all the faster trains, and there are many stops between Taitung City and Fuli. 我大概不會再坐火車到富里 ,因為去的時候很順 , 可是回來的時候很慢 , 慢到我受不了。  區間車要讓路給其他快車先走 , 而且台東和富里間還有很多小站要停。

This is the Fuli Train Station from the east.  As you can see, the weather's been getting cooler.  It was a good day to walk around. 富里車站的東邊 ,  你可以看出來,  最近天氣變涼了 , 滿適合在這個地區散步 。

"Happiness water."  At one time or another we could all use some of that. 我們都需要點 "開心水" 吧 !

There are many views of the East Rift Valley from the higher parts of town.  It gets HOT around here in the summer, but the area is definitely scenic. 在富里的高點可以欣賞花東縱谷的美景 ,  夏天的時候很熱 , 但是風景真是美不勝收 。

There are a lot of old signs and buildings on the main road.  We tried to visit a local "cultural hall" for more information, but it was closed that day. 中山路上有很多舊招牌跟建築 ,  我們想參觀地區文化館順便訊問地區的歷史 , 可惜那一天文化館沒有開放 。

This new church came as something of a shock.  There was a much older church at this location the last time I visited.  I guess the old church had outlived its usefulness. 我有點驚訝看到這棟新教堂 ,我上次來的時候舊教堂還在,應該是舊教堂太老舊 , 沒辦法繼續使用吧 !

This is the center of town, right in front of the church.  The top of the sign reads: "Welcome to Fuli Township.  Our local agricultural products are rice, daylily flowers and mushrooms." 市區的中心 。 教堂對面 ,  牆上寫著"歡迎你到富里鄉" , 也介紹著當地的農特產 : 米 、 金針花跟香菇 。

Many of these daylily flowers are grown on Sixty Stone Mountain, which is also in Fuli Township.  Sixty Stone Mountain is a much bigger tourist attraction than Central Fuli, and the views from that spot feature in many calendars. 富里鄉的金針花主要種植在北部的六十石山 。  六十石山的美景常出現在月曆裡面, 它比富里市區更受觀光客的歡迎 。

Behind the church, from the hill on which Fuli Junior High School sits. 在教堂後面 , 富里國中的山丘上 。

The same spot, looking south instead of north.  Not far away Highway 23 winds its way into the mountains, connecting Fuli Township to Donghe Township in Taitung.  Highway 23 is a beautiful if slightly hazardous drive. 同一個地點 , 往南邊看過去 。  在附近的23號公路往山脈另外一邊的台東縣東河鄉貫通 ,  雖然那條公路的景色佳 , 可是路況卻不安全。

A house that time forgot. 被時間遺忘的房子 。

Southeast of the train station you'll find the "Fu Teahouse."  It has nice outdoor and indoor areas to sit in.  I was a bit sweaty by this point, and the air conditioning was appreciated. 車站的東南部有間馥茶堂 ,  它有戶內跟戶外的部分 ,  走到這裡我已經開始流汗 , 進來吹一下冷氣很舒服 。

You'll find many locally produced goods for sale inside.  There are of course many coffee/tea shops like this between Taitung and Hualien, but I think this place does a lot with what they have. 這裡也賣許多當地特產 ,  台東和花蓮之間的咖啡館和茶園不少 , 這家有自己的特色 。

There's a lot less going on north of the Fuli Township Office.  It's an even less eventful area full of houses for sale and abandoned housing projects.  One nice thing about Fuli: you could probably live here and never have to worry about it "developing" that much.  It's too far away for that. 富里鄉公所以北有多棟房子出售 , 還有幾棟房子沒蓋完 。  居住在富里的好處 : 不用擔心過度開發這件事情 , 因為富里離城市太遠了 。

Unintentional public art? 不經意擺設的公共藝術品嗎 ?

Closer to the train station.  Our train was fifteen minutes away, and we had to hurry.  比較靠近車站 ,  我們的火車15分鐘後到站 , 所以要趕快走 !

See you another time, Fuli. 富里市區 , 改天見 !

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