2024年10月18日 星期五

Hualien in the News 花蓮的新聞 (North 北) 1

1. Xioulin Township 秀林鄉

1a. A 4.9 magnitude earthquake was recorded in Xioulin and surrounding areas last Sunday. 地震 !  19:36花蓮縣秀林鄉規模4.9地震  最大震度4級

1b. Kindergarten students from Xioulin recently embarked on a field trip to Fuxing Train Station in Rueisuei and the old sugar refinery in Guangfu. 秀林鄉立幼兒園水源分班及富世分班親子戶外教學  廣大孩子們學習成效 (1)

1c. This article discusses a doctor whose rounds include extremely rural areas in Xioulin.  From one end of Xioulin to the other is, for her, a two hour trip, and one village on her route is 3000 meters above sea level.  She was recently given an award for her efforts. 第34屆醫奉獎 / 深耕秀林27年  從不被接納到深受信賴  田惠文 : " 做事 , 做就對了 ! "

2. Xincheng Township 新城鄉

2a. The Xincheng Township Mayor visited several distribution outlets throughout the township to make sure that these facilities were prepared for residents seeking financial assistance vouchers.  Many residents were concerned that acquiring these vouchers would involve hours spent waiting in the sun. 新城鄉長何禮臺親至全鄉振興券發放處 ...

2b. Work on drains and sewage pipes in Hualien, Ji-an and Xincheng "will start soon" according to the County Government.  Several private companies have already put forth bids on two extensive renovation projects, and the funds for these projects have already been made available to the county. 加速污水下水道工程 , 花蓮 , 吉安家戶接管及新城幹管工程合計約近十億元

2c. The Xincheng Township Office won an award in a county flood control drill competition. 新城鄉公所展現守護鄉親之決心  何禮臺帶領團隊精實演練榮獲113年度防汛演習 "冠軍"

3. Hualien City 花蓮市

3a. As indicated above, financial assistance vouchers worth 3000 NT are now available to Hualien County residents.  Those living in Hualien have about a week to collect their money. 發錢囉 !  花蓮振興券今起發放  縣民每人3000元

3b. The Hualien City Government and the local branch of the Salvation Army held a blood drive at a local elementary school. 花蓮市救國團辦理 "義工有愛 , 熱血台灣" 捐血活動

3c. The mayor of Hualien City met with a local representative to discuss a plan for the renovation of a city park.  This and other local parks will be renovated with an eye toward additional sports and leisure facilities. 打造活力運動城市  魏嘉彥邀市代會共譜左倉藍圖

4. Ji-an Township 吉安鄉

4a. A senior citizens' theater troupe visited a junior high school to discuss dementia. 吉安鄉土豆劇團阿公阿嬤演給你看  宣導如何辦識失智症徵兆

4b. The Ji-an Township Office hopes to receive money from the Ministry of the Interior to improve local sidewalks. 花蓮建國路1段人行道凹凸不平  吉安鄉爭取千萬經費改善

4c. Representatives from the Ji-an Farmer's Association traveled to Penghu to sell agricultural goods (asparagus, leeks, rice, etc.) produced in Ji-an. 吉安鄉農會山海正甜餐車跨海澎湖行銷吉安優質農產與冰品

5. Shoufeng Township 壽豐鄉

5a. Two Donghua University students riding a scooter collided with a tree early in the morning.  Both students sustained serious injuries, and one of them died later at the hospital. 凌晨3點魂斷台11丙 !  2東華大學生雙載撞路樹彈飛  1死1重傷

5b. Another student from Donghua University struck a car turning left in Shoufeng.  He also died at the hospital. 壽豐鄉大學發生機車擦撞同向右轉小轎車  男大生送醫不治 (2)

5c. Road work will take place on several stretches of Highway 46, which passes through the Coastal Mountain Range in south Shoufeng.  Two public meetings were held in Shoufeng and adjacent Fenglin to explain what type of road improvements will be undertaken. "花46線8K + 820-19K+443" 將進行改善工程....

6. Fenglin Municipality 鳳林鎮

6a. Trees will be cut along Highway 9 as it passes through Fenglin. 鳳林鎮公所10月15日至11月二十日進行台9線鳳林鎮路段鳳林地標水母路樹修剪

6b. Police in Fenglin worked to ensure that conditions at the local collection station for the financial assistance vouchers were safe and orderly.  A team of officers escorted the newly printed vouchers from the printer to the collection station. 花蓮鳳林警護送振興券  加強安全維護

6c. A parade was held in Zhongxing Community on Double Ten Day. 中興部落歡度雙十  創意踩街遊行氣氛熱鬧 (3)
Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Why is this in the news?  Xioulin is HUGE and yet there aren't that many people living in it.  An extremely rural situation often results in local news items like this.

2. Why so many accidents here?  This stretch of Highway 11 is very big, very remote, and many people drive too fast through the area.

3. Why are some people in aboriginal villages so patriotic?  It's not a complete explanation, but many aboriginal men serve in the military for long periods of time.  For many of them the military offers early retirement, a secure job, higher wages and a way out of their village.

