2024年6月24日 星期一

This Blog in 2 Maps 二張地圖上的文章連結

At the time of writing there are 209 entries in this blog, all written between February 2021 and June 2024.  Older entries have been moved to Blog Archive 1 and Blog Archive 2. 目前為止, 這個blog總共有2021年二月到2024年六月寫的209篇文章 .  更早以前的文章都被移到很久以前的文章12去了 .

What you see below are location-specific entries for the past 3 years. 下面看到的是至目前為止三年的時間跟特定區域有關的文章 .

Pingtung 屏東 / Taitung 台東

Kaohsiung 高雄 / Tainan 台南

2024年6月20日 星期四

A Few More Pictures 多一些照片

Fat, Sleepy Jojo

Mango & Milky


Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (North 北) 5

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1a. A burning car was discovered in a public cemetery in Xinying.  Police and firefighters sent to to investigate found the body of a 64 year old man in the vehicle.  He'd been suffering from a chronic illness prior to his death. 新營公墓火燒車 ... 警消趕至發現車內焦屍  傳死者為64歲男子

2a. No recent news out of Yanshui.

3a. The Liouying District Farmer's Association is promoting several new products, among them a mixture of orange, passionfruit and lemon juice. 柳營區農會推出夏日新品 "鮮橙百香檸檬汁"

3b. Liouying will likely get a new YouBike station near its "Dutch Village," though plans for the station have yet to be finalized.  Many districts have been complaining that the supply of YouBike stations in outlying areas doesn't meet the demand. 台南YouBike進駐年餘  部分行政區怨站點太少

4a. A blood drive was held in Houbi District.  Local agricultural products were given away as part of this activity. 天候不佳台南現血荒  後壁16日辦捐血在地農特產大方送

4b. Nine households in Houbo Village finally have tap water.  The water utility has been working toward supplying tap water to this and other nearby areas.  Residents previously used groundwater for their daily needs. 後壁區侯伯里九戶居民有自來水可用了

4c. Legislator Lin Jun-xian is working with the Houbi District Office, the Taiwan Railways Corporation and the Bureau of Transportation to improve the parking situation around the Houbi Train Station.  A lot previously under the management of the Houbi District Office was formerly used for parking, but after the management of this lot was returned to the Taiwan Railways Corporation they prohibited parking in the lot.  Many people are now having trouble finding a parking spot near the station. 台南後壁火車站 "大片閒置空間不給停車"  立委林俊憲要求改善

5a. The Baihe District Office held a coming of age ceremony for 16 year olds living in Baihe. 台南白河火山碧雲寺 "做十六歲"

5b. Shifting weather patterns have resulted in a reduced lotus crop in Baihe.  Even though the price is expected to rise farmers are worried that they won't be able to make as much money from a smaller crop. 白河蓮子氣候影響產量減半  每台斤張破400元農民仍虧本

6a. No recent news out of Dongshan District.

7a. A fire broke out in an empty house in Jiali.  A man seen in the area was later arrested on suspicion of arson in relation to the fire. 台南佳里區空屋火警傳人為縱火  南警當場逮犯嫌

8a. A drum troupe from Shuejia held a performance at the Laotanghu Art Village.  The performance was dubbed a "flash mob event." 學甲區新榮耆鼓隊到秘境老塘湖藝術村進行快閃活動

9a. Representatives from Detsai Temple in East District recently visited Santse Elementary School in Beimen to present them with student aid in the form of gifts.  They were given a certificate of gratitude for their efforts. 台南市東區德財宮送愛到北門三慈國小

10a. A rare type of pheasant was recently sighted in Jiangjun District, and the Tainan Ecological Conservation Association is urging farmers there to refrain from breaking ground on fallow plots of land where the birds have been laying eggs. 生態保育學會與將軍區公所呼籲農民暫緩 "董雞" 出沒處休耕整地

11a. Tainan City Councilmember Chen Kun-he recently urged the local government to accelerate plans to develop the industrial zone in Qigu.  Many Taiwanese-owned businesses currently operating in China wish to relocate to the area, but a lack of infrastructure in and around Qigu is making their transition back to Taiwan difficult. 3, 40家廠商要進駐七股工業區 ?  南市議員陳昆和此市府供廠區僧多粥少

11b. Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-zhe was on hand for the Tainan Qigu Seafood Festival.  During the event he encouraged people to visit Qigu during the hot summer months and enjoy the coastal scenery. 炎炎夏日何處去 ?  黃偉哲 : 來台南七股就對了 ! (1)

12a. No recent news out of Xigang.

13a. A new Starbucks in Madou is getting attention for its unique design.  It looks a little like a grapefruit. 麻豆星巴克 !  以柚子造型為意象的超酷的建築 , 彷佛外星人飛碟臨

14a. The Guantian District Farmer's Association is helping farmers there dry their mangoes.  Recent heavy rains have resulted in mangoes with black spots, and selling the dried version of the fruit makes it easier for farmers to turn a profit. 助農民提高收益  官田區農會18日開始代烘芒果

14b. A large motorcycle struck a guardrail at night.  The driver of the motorcycle suffered multiple bone fractures and his passenger, a 17 year old girl, died from her injuries after being taken to the hospital. 台南官田重機暗夜自撞護欄  釀1死1重傷

15a. Lioujia District is the largest producer of flamingo flowers in Taiwan, accounting for 60% of the island's total flamingo flower crop.  This article discusses Lioujia's role in Taiwan's thriving flower market. 台南六甲火鶴花全果產量第1  年銷國外700萬支

16a. Toushe Community in Danei is working on becoming a "green community."  Recent arts, crafts and tea-related activities have been held to increase local awareness of this initiative. 強調公民參與  大內頭社社區展現綠美化成果

17a. A 62 year old man proposed to a 75 year old woman during a singing activity held in Xiaying.  In case you're wondering, the answer was "Yes." 台南下營舊情綿綿  62歲男向75歲女歌友求婚成功

17b. The Xiaying District Office assisted volunteers wrapping rice tamales for disadvantaged residents ahead of Dragon Boat Festival. 下營區公所攜手上帝廟發動志工包粽送弱勢

Related Entries 相關的文章 :

1. Uh... agree to disagree with the Tainan City Mayor?  Not a whole lot of shade in Qigu.