1. Ligang Township 里港鄉
1a. There will be a public hearing on the construction of a new road from Ligang to Meinong District in Kaohsiung. "國道10號里港交流道至新威大橋新闢道路美濃至六龜段 (9K + 860 ~ 17K + 989) 工程" 第1次公聽會
1b. An oddly placed turn zone for scooters was painted in front of a convenience store in Ligang. The white square, lying on the other side of utility poles and nearly invisible to those coming from the opposite direction, is -- according to some residents at least -- making the intersection more dangerous, not less. 這要怎麼轉啦 ? 待轉區設 "超商門口" 民 : 轉不進去
1c. The Ligang Branch of the Pingtung County Police Bureau has been cracking down on the production of amphetamine in that area. Several arrests, seizures and the shutting down of production facilities have been part of this effort. 屏東警方溯源追查 再破獲1製毒工廠
2. Gaoshu Township 高樹鄉
2a. According to Hakka tradition women are given "a day off" on Lantern Festival. This aspect of Hakka culture was recently celebrated in Daluguan Village, Gaoshu Township, where many Hakka people live. 元宵節全台唯一客家傳統屏東高樹鄉大路關 "細妹過年"
2b. The Gaoshu Jujube Festival was held in connection with Lantern Festival. A local park was opened and a three-day market was also held during this time. 高樹蜜棗節開幕 免費試吃加碼送萌兔花燈
2c. The police have also been breaking up meth labs in Gaoshu. 藥犯栽了 屏破製毒廠 高逮毒鴛鴦
3. Sandimen Township 三地門鄉
3a. Police and firefighters had to rescue a man from a drainage ditch in Sandimen. He'd fallen into the ditch early in the morning, and the depth of the ditch made rescue difficult. 摸黑率落3米深水溝 ! 屏東三地門1男子 "警消協助爬出" 驚險脫困
3b. A former elementary school principal was elected to the office of Sandimen Township Mayor in the last election. The newly elected mayor, representing the KMT, promises to provide more opportunities for young people in the area. 新科鄉鎮長點將 / 三地門鄉長曾有欽 : 扶植各部落青年會
4. Wutai Township 霧台鄉
4a. Some of the blossoming trees along Highway 24 are becoming popular with tourists. 台24線粉紅美景 吸引遊客霧台追櫻
4b. Wutai also has a new mayor. This mayor, a former teacher, promises to take care of the elderly. 新科鄉長點將 / 霧台鄉長巴正義 : 做好長照
4c. This article introduces a couple who operate a coffee shop and sell essential oils in Wutai. 咖啡結合精油 霧台部落年輕夫妻返鄉創業
5. Jiouru Township 九如鄉
5a. Even married female deities get to return to their parents' home during the second day of Chinese New Year. The statue of Wang Ye's wife, an idol housed in a temple in Jiouru, was recently taken from there to another temple in Linluo. County Magistrate Zhou Chun-mi was on hand to witness the deity's visit. 九如王爺奶奶年初二轉外家 周春米主祭恭送
5b. A deranged woman was found wandering on the road in Jiouru. Police were alerted and she was returned to her home safely. 九如警鷹眼發現 "特製名牌" 助夫智老婦返家
6. Yanpu Township 鹽埔鄉
6a. Over ten thousand chickens were slaughtered on a poultry farm in Yanpu. The chickens were diagnosed with a from of avian influenza. 屏東鹽埔鄉土雞場感染禽流感 動防所撲殺上萬隻土雞
7. Pingtung City 屏東市
7a. A woman robbed several Pingtung City drink shops. Her method involved ordering large quantities of drinks to go, and then telling those in the shops that she was taking part of her order, and that she would be right back to settle her account. Needless to say, she wasn't in the habit of coming back. She has since been arrested. 誆 "等一下來結帳" 屏東 "騙餐大盜" 詐數千元
7b. The county government has given up on the "Pbike" (Pingtung Bike) service, and will be replacing the old Pbike bicycle rental stations with YouBike 2.0 stations across the county. New YouBike stations have already been set up in Pingtung City and Chaozhou. 屏東YouBike2.0潮州增站 即日起騎乘費率再優惠
7c. Construction of a covered basketball court in Guangxing Park was recently completed. This project took two years and was delayed several times, drawing many complaints from residents. An array of solar panels has yet to be installed on the roof. 屏東市廣興公園風雨球場 工程施2年終於完工
8. Chang Jr Township 長治鄉
8a. The Chang Jr Township is under investigation and one of the workers there has been arrested. The investigation is centered on the forging of official documents and the misappropriation of public funds. 屏東長治鄉公所遭搜索 涉核銷不實1公務員收押 , 鄉長請回 (1)
8b. The Chang Jr Township Office sponsored a job fair on February 10. Representatives from 27 companies attended. 屏東縣長治鄉2月10日舉辦徵才 27家廠商釋出與逾300個職缺
9. Linluo Township 麟洛鄉
9a. This article celebrates the biodiversity found within Linluo's Wetland Park. 屏東麟洛及濕地生物多樣性豐富 周春米 : 歡迎民造眾造訪休憩品味自然美景 (2)
9b. Construction of an animal control facility in Linluo is underway. It will be operating by the end of the year. Other animal control facilities in Pingtung are running at capacity. The new facility will also feature a special hall introducing the site's history as a Japanese POW camp. 屏東麟洛流浪犬貓收容中心年底啟用 周春米視察
10. Jhutian Township 竹田鄉
10a. No recent news out of Jhutian.
11. Neipu Township 內埔鄉
11a. A "green corridor" will be constructed along the Longjing River in Neipu. The project's stated aims are arresting erosion of the riverbanks, providing better drainage, and providing a new tourism and recreation site for residents of Neipu. Efforts have been made to bring the project into aesthetic harmony with local temple architecture. 內埔鄉龍頸溪水岸綠廊 打造客庄蔭水畔微風亮點
11b. A community care center was recently opened in Neipu. The facility will offer child and maternity care. 屏東內埔社福館啟用 全國首創室內 "森林小火車"
11c. Several lanterns were suspended above a road in Neipu, blocking a traffic light along a local road. 屏東內埔鄉燈籠裝置藝術擋紅綠燈 用路人超困優
Related Entries 相關的文章:
1. Most of the corruption cases in Pingtung County seem to take place around Pingtung City, not in the city itself. I suppose it amounts to a lack of oversight.
2. This park is under a freeway, so don't get TOO excited.