2023年12月10日 星期日

Sandimen Township, Pingtung County 屏東縣三地門鄉

Sandimen is my last stop in Pingtung.  After this entry I'll be focusing on Kaohsiung and Tainan.  It's been a long journey (over three years now), but I've learned a lot and I look forward to new adventures in other places. 三地門是我屏東介紹的最後一站 ,  這文章以後 , 我介紹的地區將會是高雄台南 。  這三年多漫長的旅程裡,我學到了很多 ,我很期待未來在別的縣市的冒險。

Sandimen is east of Gaoshu and north of Majia.  Most of the people there are members of the Paiwan Tribe.  I don't know how popular Sandimen is now, but I can remember hearing about it when I first arrived in Taiwan over two decades ago. 三地門位於高樹的東部 、 瑪家的北部 。  大部分的居民是排灣族人 。  我不太清楚三地門現在還是不是熱鬧景點 , 但是我20年前來到台灣時就聽說過它的名字。

According to the last census, 7793 people live in Sandimen. 上次的人口統計表示 , 三地門的人口是7793人 。

This is the Shanchuan Glass Suspension Bridge between Sandimen and Majia.  It's the most popular tourist attraction in the area.  It crosses the Ailiao River between the two townships.  That's Sandimen on the other side. 這是瑪家三地門中間的山川玻璃吊橋 , 是這附近最熱鬧的景點 。  這座橋跨過兩鄉中間的隘寮溪 ,  橋另外一邊是三地門

The Dimoer Arts Park is on Highway 24.  It's near the suspension bridge. 地磨兒藝術公園24省道上 , 也靠近吊橋 。

There's a trail between the Dimoer Arts Park and the nearby Dimoer Forest Park deeper in the mountains.  Both parks are worth a visit. 地磨兒藝術公園地磨兒森林公園中間有一條步道 , 這兩座公園值得你去探訪。

You'll find many restaurants on Highway 24 around Sandimen Village.  Many of these restaurants only open later in the day.  The cuisine varies between barrel chicken,  stir fry and aboriginal barbecue. 24省道三地門村的一段路上有多家餐廳 , 大部分比較晚開始營業 ,  桶子雞 , 熱炒跟原住民烤肉最多 。

The Dragonfly Beads Arts Studio is near the bottom of the hill, and it's also within walking distance of the suspension bridge.  The dragonfly beads are produced locally, and each type of bead has a special meaning. 蜻蜓雅築珠藝工作室在山坡下 , 也離吊橋很近 。  蜻蜓珠是當地名產 , 每種珠都有特別的意義。

"Guys" won't find much to buy here, but if you're looking to buy jewelry this is the place to go. "男性"在這裡找不到什麼可以買的, 可是如果要買給親戚珠寶的讀者會喜歡 。

The view from the second floor coffee shop is good.  The coffee shop was my favorite part.  I'd like to try their food next time. 二樓咖啡廳的風景很好 ,  咖啡廳是我最喜歡的部分 ,  我下次來要吃他們的料理 。

I've noticed a lot of antler-related art in the area.  Sometimes this art looks pretty; sometimes it looks a little sinister. 這個地區有很多鹿角的藝術品 ,  有時候這藝術品看起來很美 ; 有時候看起來很恐怖 。

You'll find Saijia Village north of Sandimen Village.  It's a bit off the tourist trail. 賽嘉部落位於三地門村的北邊 ,  部落離景點有一段路 。

There's a lot of great art near Saijia Elementary.  The faces on the carvings and statues are a little different from what I've seen elsewhere. 賽嘉國小有很多好看的藝術品 ,  雕像和木雕上的臉很特別 。

Still further north is the Saijia "Amusement Park," which is really just a campground.  You can rent one of these tents if you're feeling the urge to camp. 在往北邊有賽嘉樂園 。  這個 "樂園" 是一露營區 ,  想露營的讀者可以來這裡租帳篷 。

This place was recently renovated, and I think it'd be a nice place to barbecue.  There's a hangliding spot nearby. 這場露營區最近整修過, 在這裡烤肉應該很不錯 , 附近也有飛行傘場 。

About 15 minutes from Saijia is Haishen or "Ocean Spirit" Temple, which isn't a temple at all but rather a place to view a waterfall and play in the river.  I'd avoid this place on summer weekends, but in the middle of December it turned out to be very nice.  There's an entrance fee, but it's only 50 NT per person. 離賽嘉15分鐘是海神宮 ,  這個景點沒有廟宇 , 是個戲水和看瀑布的景點 。  我夏天不會想來這裡,人太多,  可是12月的時候不錯 ,  來這裡玩要付50元的入場費 。

Further up the Mountainside Highway is Dajin Waterfall.  If I'd known how exhausting the trek up to the waterfall was going to be I probably wouldn't have bothered, but as it was the views were worth it.  This trail also connects to the Weiliao Trailhead further north. 繼續走沿山公路會到大津瀑布 。  如果我先知道走瀑布的步道那麼累,我大概不會上去 。 還好沒注意到 , 因為上面的風景很不錯 ,  這邊的步道也連接北邊的尾寮步道 。

The view from the top.  That's Meinong and Liugui districts in Kaohsiung across the river, with Gaoshu Township in the foreground. 步道上遠眺的風景 。  河川後面是高雄市美濃區六龜區 , 河川前面是屏東縣高樹鄉 。

Dajin Waterfall.  I'm not a big fan of waterfalls, but yeah, this one is cool. 大津瀑布 。  我沒有那麼喜歡瀑布 , 可是我還是覺得這個瀑布不錯 。

At the northern end of Sandimen, not far from Maolin, is the Weiliao Mountain Trailhead.  I was already tired from the waterfall so I didn't walk in very far.  There were a lot of monkeys nearby and I f**king hate monkeys. 在三地門北部 , 靠近茂林的地區有尾寮山登山口 。 我已經在瀑布走的很累 , 所以沒有再走到很裡面的地方 。  附近的猴子也超多 , 我非常討厭猴子 !

Related Entries 相關的文章:

Pingtung's Mountain / Aboriginal Townships 屏東山區/原住民鄉

