2022年12月29日 星期四

Tainan in the News 台南的新聞 (South 南) 2

There are 37 Districts in Tainan City.  These districts are divided into North Tainan and South Tainan, or those "north of the [Dzengwen] river" and those "south of the [Dzengwen] river."  The districts of North Tainan are further grouped into the Xinying Area, the Beimen Area and the Dzengwen Area.  The districts of South Tainan are further grouped into the Fucheng Area, the Xinfeng Area and the Xinhua Area. 台南市分為37個區 , 這37個地區分成曾文溪北部的北台南跟曾文溪南部的南台南 。 北台南又分為新營地區 、北門地區跟曾文地區 ; 南台南又分為府城地區 、 新豐地區跟新化地區 。

1. 安南區 Annan District

1a. Old houses previously subject to a larger development plan in Annan were rezoned recently, a decision which allows their owners to rebuild or remodel these houses at the owner's discretion.  These homeowners, very aware of rising real estate prices, welcomed the rezoning.  They expect prices for local land to rise as high as 300,000 NT per ping. 台南安南區合法老屋解禁  可自行重建 (1)

1b. The roads through Annan District are being improved.  Several roads and alleys through the area are blocked off and/or overgrown, and the Public Works Bureau is working to address this problem. 安南區開闢路障路段  健全巷道交通路網

2. 中西區 West Central District

2a. The South Tainan Family Support Center, acting in concert with the West Central District Office, donated 30,000 NT and new wheelchairs for the assistance of both the elderly and disadvantaged families in the area. 中西區里長聯議會送暖南家扶

3. 安平區 Anping District

3a. The former head of the Anping District Police Bureau received an award for his years of service.  During the award ceremony authority was also formally transferred to the new head of the Anping District Police Bureau. 111年台南市警察之友會安平區辦事處主任交接典禮

3b. A fire broke out on an apartment balcony in Anping.  A man living in the apartment had been putting his cigarette butts into potted plants on the balcony, and one of his butts hadn't been properly extinguished. 台南市安平區公寓大廈陽台失火 疑未嬉菸蒂惹禍

4. 南區 South District

4a. The clearing and renovation of roads is also taking place in South District, though a previously planned road will not be opened in the area.  This clearing and renovation of roads in South District, like the work being done in Annan, is part of a much larger urban renewal and development plan being enacted in Tainan City. 台南南區細部計畫2次通盤檢討  廢除藍晒圖未闢計畫道路

5. 北區 North District

5a. A scooter and a car collided on Gongyuan Road.  The driver of the scooter was sent to the hospital with minor injuries. 台南市北區公園路氣 , 機車車禍  女騎士四肢受傷送醫

5b. The North District Office recently hosted a market for charity.  This market earned over 80,000 NT, which went to the Catholic Good Shepard Social Welfare Foundation, a non-profit which works with local children there. 寒冬送暖 !  台南北區辦義賣8萬所得  捐台南嬰兒之家

6. 安定區 Anding District

6a. The Jiuwei Electric Utility is planning to build a natural gas facility in Anding, but the project faces stiff opposition from residents of Anding, Annan and other nearby areas worried about air pollution, industrial safety and related environmental and archaeological concerns.  Thousands have signed a petition to have the natural gas facility relocated, and a local legislator convened a press conference to spotlight the matter.  This issue has yet to be resolved. 反九崴南科然氣發電廠  台南萬人連署要求遷址

7. 東區 East District

7a. An overpass for cars and an underpass for scooters on Dongmen Road were closed so that work can be done on a nearby railroad tunnel.  Both the overpass and underpass should open in 8 months. 台南市東區東門陸橋  12月27日起封閉8個月

7b. Thanks to the Taiwan-Japan Cultural Friendship Exchange Foundation, many of Tainan's agricultural goods find their way to markets in Japan and vice versa.  A market was recently held in East District to make the public more aware of products available through this trade relationship. 台日交流  府東農收市集12/10-11台南東區登場

8. 善化區 Shanhua District

8a. The construction of a science and technology park, along with a related facility by the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, has driven up the cost of land in Shanhua to a considerable degree.  Two or three bedroom apartments with parking spaces in the area are fetching as much as 10 million NT. 神山加持  善化買房需求熱

9. 新市區 Xinshr District

9a. Phase III of the above-mentioned science and technology park in Shanhua is also driving up the cost of farmland in Xinshr to the south. 台南南科三期落腳新市  周邊農地再喊漲 (2)

10. 永康區 Yongkang District

10a. There was another apartment fire in Yongkang District, this one with serious consequences.  A 95 year old man died in the fire. 台南永康大樓  95歲老翁逃生不及被燒死

10b. There are a lot of fires in Tainan.  Another fire broke out at a factory which does finishing work on helmets.  28 foreign workers escaped the fire without any injuries. 台南永康安全帽製造加工廠起火燒毀  28名移工即時逃出無傷亡 (3)

11. 仁德區 Rende District

11a. Hushan Elementary School in Rende was recently remodeled to be more environmentally friendly.  It has been "certified green" by the USA-Taiwan Eco-Campus Organization. 台美生態學校認證  虎山寶小亞洲第1所獲永久綠旗 (4)

11b. Not news articles, so I won't link them here, but there are MANY advertisements for new housing developments in Rende.  Again, the science and technology park is to thank (or blame), and none of these new houses are cheap.

12. 歸仁區 Guiren District

12a. Yet another fire.  No one was injured, but the house, which was old and constructed primarily of wood, was a total loss. 台南平安夜驚魂 !  大火狂燒木製平房  消防人員30分鐘撲滅 (5)

13. 關廟區 Guanmiao District

13a. Officials from the Guanmiao District Office have signed an agreement with the Tianliao and Alian district offices in Kaohsiung to coordinate disaster relief efforts.  All three districts are located on mountainous terrain where flooding and landslides can be a serious problem. 關廟區簽訂跨縣市災民緊急收容安置既民生物資支援協定

13b. Work on Road 169 through the south part of the district was completed recently. 關廟區南169支線道路拓寬6公尺完工  提升地方發展契機

14. 新化區 Xinhua District

14a. This article celebrates the new vegetable market in Xinhua.  There are plenty of pictures in the article.  I drove by it not long ago and yes, it is indeed impressive. "新開店" 開箱 "全台最美菜市場" !  美拍 "波波梯田" 屋頂 , 爽逛162個蔬果攤

15. 龍崎區 Longqi District

15a. Several works of art have been installed in Longqi's Huxing Mountain Park as part of the "Longqi Light Festival."  These works of art, best viewed at night, will be on display until February 23. 2022-2023龍崎光節空山祭登場 !  11組藝術家 , 15件創作 , 以寓言故事 "隨風去留" 討論關係人口

16. 左鎮區 Zuojhen District

16a. Erliao, in Zuojhen District, is a popular place to camp overnight and to watch the sun rise on New Year's Day.  Police in the area will initiate special traffic and crowd control measures to ensure safety during this event. 台南2023年曙光二寮準備  注意交通管制及取締違規露營

16b. A driver fell asleep and drove an expensive SUV into a tree in Zuojhen.  A passenger sitting in the back of the SUV was seriously injured as a result of the accident. 百萬休旅車秒成廢鐵 !  駕駛打瞌睡撞爆路樹  後座乘客重傷

17. 山上區 Shanshang District

17a. The Longqi and Shanshang district offices recently distributed blankets, warm clothes and other items to those in need during the winter. 山上龍崎區公所寒冬送暖  關懷弱勢

17b. Two elderly care workers have been assigned to Shanshang District.  They will be organizing many community activities aimed at older residents there. 役男為長輩設計創意課程  醫學系畢業生貢獻所學

18. 玉井區 Yujing District

18a. No recent news out of Yujing.  It's WAY up in the mountains, so this isn't a big surprise.

19. 楠西區 Nanxi District

19a. A creative cooking competition was recently held in Nanxi District.  Coffee pork ribs were a featured dish. 梅嶺創意料理賽  咖啡排骨當主角

19b. The Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has reopened to the public.  The temple is close to the Dzengwen Reservoir, and boat tours of the reservoir are available.  仙境西拉雅   楠西萬佛寺 X 曾文水庫船遊看山豬 X 趣淘漫旅 (6)

20. 南化區 Nanhua District

20a. Rueifeng Elementary School in Nanhua recently received a grant to set up dental chairs and related equipment in their school .健保署與玉皇宮等共同見證台南市最高學府 "南化區瑞峰國小" 口腔保健站...

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: I usually try for 30 or so news items.  I started with one news item for each district, and after that I flipped a coin to determine which districts got a second news item.  In reality there'd be a lot more news coming out of the first seven or so districts, where more people live.

1. The eastern half of this district, located very close to downtown Tainan, is prime real estate.  I think the local government changing their tune might also have something to do with the population decline in that area.  Previous development plans were often predicated upon the idea that population would always increase, while subsets of Tainan's population are experiencing a sharp decline.

2. Real estate speculation is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in Taiwan.  Will the bubble burst anytime soon?  Or are more laws and regulations the answer?  It's an increasingly difficult problem.

3. Why so many fires?  Old buildings + lack of proper regulation.  Many apartment buildings and factories weren't up to code to begin with.  In the factories a lack of oversight with regard to industrial safety only exacerbates the problem.

4. I'm extremely skeptical of these awards and of the organizations handing them out.  Often it's just a case of one hand washing the other.  Applause to the elementary school for taking a step in this direction, but the recognition might not be worth that much.

5. The picture above the article might not be the house that burned down.  Many pictures of fires to sort through...

6. If you take the boat tour there's a chance of seeing wild boars on the other side of the reservoir.  This temple is very deep into the Central Mountain Range, in an area where Tainan, Kaohsiung and Jiayi come together.  Once you get on the boat you're actually leaving Tainan and entering Jiayi.

