2024年1月2日 星期二

Kaohsiung in the News 高雄的新聞 (West 西) 4

There are 38 districts in Kaohsiung City.  The districts discussed here are all west of the Formosa Freeway (#3).  They're much more urban that districts east of the Formosa Freeway, have a much higher population density, and are generally less scenic. 高雄市分為38個行政區 。  這裡文章討論的行政區都位在福爾摩沙高速公路以西 ,  這些行政區和高速公路以東的行政區比較起來: 較熱鬧 、人口密度較高 、風景比較差。

1. Alian District 阿蓮區

1a. The director-general of the Alian District Farmer's Association was found guilty of siphoning 20 million NT from that organization.  The money should have been given to employees in the form of performance bonuses, but the director-general was misreporting the number of employees in order to use the money for other purposes.  He was sentenced to 11 months in prison. 吞員工獎金阿蓮區農會四連霸總幹事  又涉不法貸款千萬被判11月 (1)

2. Yanchao District 燕巢區

2a. It sounds like a lot of vague statements were exchanged, but for what it's worth a meeting was held at Kaohsiung Normal University to discuss how the local tourism industry might be developed.  The university campus, a noted golf course and Foguang Mountain are either in or near Yanchao. 高師大與5單位簽署策略聯盟  盼活絡燕巢周邊觀光產值

3. Hunei District 湖內區

3a. Steel guardrails were installed along a canal to prevent accidents. 湖內忠孝街增設護欄  保護行車安全

4. Jiading District 茄萣區

4a. There was a paintball activity at Jiading Junior High School. 海線聯盟  茄萣國中漆彈實戰體驗活動

5. Luzhu District 路竹區

5a. An accident at a construction site led to the burial of two men, both of whom survived the mishap.  Work on the site has been halted, and the company responsible has been fined 300,000 NT.  路竹科學園區爆意外 !  土堆坍方活埋2人  工地停工罰30萬

6. Yongan District 永安區

6a. A truck driver speeding through Yongan struck a utility pole.  He was found unresponsive at the scene of and died in the hospital soon after. 疑似超速自撞電線杆  永安小貨車駕駛送醫不治

7. Gangshan District 岡山區

7a. A worker doing maintenance on a conveyor belt got his arm caught in the device and was seriously injured.  Doctors are considering amputation. 左上臂捲入輸送帶 !  高雄岡山28歲工人恐面臨截肢

8. Ciaotou District 橋頭區

8a. A "mini Japanese cultural festival" and religious activity were held at the old Ciaotou Sugar Refinery.  This refinery dates back to the Japanese Colonial Administration, and a Kuanyin statue preserved there is still an object of worship. 高雄橋頭糖廠迎接新年初詣  黑銅聖觀音祈福

9. Mituo District 彌陀區

9a. Representatives of the Fisheries Bureau and other local agencies visited Mituo to demonstrate the use of photosynthetic bacteria in aquaculture pools.  It is hoped that this demonstration will help reduce the use of pesticides by local fish farmers. 為打造生態養殖示範場域 , 海洋局至彌陀區漁會發放複合光合菌

10. Dzeguan District 梓官區

10a. A temple festival was held at Dzequan's "City God" (Chenghuang) Temple, and DPP candidate Qiu Zhih-wei was on hand to pray for everyone's health. 梓官城隍廟舉辦南巡科儀  邱志偉參與啟程扶轎  祈求城隍爺出巡護佑眾生 , 彰顯神威

11. Dashe District 大社區

11a. A DPP candidate for the Kaohsiung District 1 legislative position recently visited the area and helped set up a voter support association there. 邱議瑩大社區 , 六龜區分別成立後援會

12. Daliao District 大寮區

12a. A fire broke out in a warehouse.  The cause has yet to be officially determined, but a worker is suspected of smoking while working with resin oil and oil-based paints. 高雄大寮鐵皮倉庫大火  疑工攪拌油料抽菸引發火警

13. Nandze District 楠梓區

13a. Work has begun on the renovation of Qingfeng Park. 打造社區小森林  楠梓清豐公園改善工程正式啟動

13b. A resident of Nandze was captured on film beating his dog with a stick.  The Animal Protection Bureau been notified and the matter is being dealt with. 高雄楠梓某社區住戶傳虐狗 !  男 "拿棍狂敲" 狗狗發出悽慘叫聲  動保處回應了 (2)

14. Renwu District 仁武區

14. Improvements to Yida Second Road (one of the roads leading to Yida World) have been completed. 仁武區義大二路道路改善施工  配合跨年開放臨時通車

15. Dashu District 大樹區

15a. No recent news out of Dashu.

16. Zuoying District 左營區

16a. No recent news out of Zuoying.

17. Niaosong District 鳥松區

17a. No recent news out of Niaosong.

18. Sanmin District 三民區

18a. Candidates for legislative seats representing both the DPP and KMT canvassed Sanmin recently.  高雄三民區立委選情激烈  3Q陳柏惟陪李昆澤掃街拉票

19. Gushan District 鼓山區

19a. There's an ongoing argument over the number of students at various schools in Gushan District, and how the enrollment policies at various schools might be adjusted in the most equitable manner.  Many people outside the district are claiming residence in Gushan so that their children can attend school at Jungshan Elementary, while other schools in the area are experiencing a decline in enrollment. 鼓山區中山國小爆滿  在地的郭倍宏提出治本的解決方案

20. Qijin District 旗津區

20a. There was a traffic accident in front of Windmill Park, and one of the drivers involved was found with narcotics in his possession.  This driver initially tried to sneak away from the scene but was later taken into custody. 旗津風車公園爆行車糾紛  男強出頭又藏毒  見警偷溜被抓包

21. Lingya District 苓雅區

21a. A fire was reported at a vacant house.  The cause of this fire was probably faulty wiring. 詭異 !  高雄苓雅 "無人居住" 民宅突傳火警  疑冷氣機電線走火自燃

22. Yancheng District 鹽埕區

22a. DPP legislative candidate Huang Jie recently visited Yancheng's Old Market to thank them for their support. 黃捷合體3Q歌鹽埕舊市場拜票  陳柏惟 : 支持民進黨活化高雄老城區

23. Qianjin District 前金區

23a. Nine people were stuck in an elevator during the last 50 minutes of 2023.  By the time they were rescued it was 2024. 電梯裡跨年 !  高雄9人受困大樓電梯50分鐘  獲救已2024

24. Xinxing District 新興區

24a. A board game-themed restaurant was vandalized by several individuals, yet the incident wasn't promptly reported to police.  A video of the incident later circulated online, and police were only alerted to the incident by the video.  It's suspected that the act of vandalism is related to a debt-related dispute. 高雄新興區桌遊店遭砸店  警懷疑債務糾紛引起

25. Qianjhen District 前鎮區

25a. A motorcycle struck a car at high speed, resulting in a fire that left one person injured. 高雄前鎮區汽車與機車擦撞  機車起火釀1傷

26. Fengshan District 鳳山區

26a. There was a fire in a house in Fengshan.  Firefighters later found the owner dead in the house. 高雄鳳山透天厝火警  屋主無生命跡象送醫

27. Xiaogang District 小港區

27a. Construction will begin on two housing projects for those in need.  The land for these projects was leased from the Taisugar Corporation. 高雄市小港區首次興辦  山明 , 水秀安居社會住宅下週動工 (3)

28. Linyuan District 林園區

28a. This article introduces the Linyuan Wetland Park, a point of ecological interest in Linyuan.  Seven years ago a quantity of ferric chloride was dumped into a nearby waterway, and the chemical made its way into the park, effectively killing everything there.  The ecology found in the park has since rebounded, and its famous jellyfish can be found there once again. 袖珍秘境  林園濕地公園劫後重生

28b. DPP legislative candidate Lin Dai-hua canvassed Linyuan recently, citing her work towards securing an MRT Linyuan Line and other infrastructure projects. 握緊每一雙手 , 林岱樺用心做好每一個託付 !

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Standing next to the (former) director-general in that photo is Han Kuo-yu, former Kaoshiung City Mayor and current KMT candidate for lawmaker in Kaohsiung City.  Han was removed from office not long ago, and yet he's somehow able to run for lawmaker in the present election.  Taiwan might boast a "vibrant democracy," but there are also a lot of gangsters skimming money from local governments.

This entry, by the way, might come across as very pro-DPP.  If so this was not intentional.  I select the articles for each district based on how recent they are, and it just so happened that more of these articles featured DPP candidates.

2. I think that in this case an appropriate punishment would be putting the dog's owner in a tiny cage on a deck for a week.  Let's see how he likes it.

3. Why in Xiaogang?  Probably because land in that area is cheaper.

