2021年9月22日 星期三

What I've Learned in Pingtung So Far 我在屏東發現的事 2

1. Kenting is definitely overrated, but the part near Baisha is nice if you get there early. 墾丁不像很多人想的那麼好玩 , 可是如果你早點去到那裡, 白沙附近不錯 .

2. The stretch of the Mountainside Highway through south Xinpi is scary when it rains. 下雨天的時候 , 沿山公路新埤南部的那一段路況很糟 .

3. When driving to Pingtung City to visit Carrefour, it's much easier to visit the store south of the Pingtung Train Station. 開車去屏東火車站南部的家樂福比較方便 .

4. Wanluan is a nice place to walk around. 在萬巒散步很不錯 .

5. Swimming is possible in Fangliao, it's just that not many people do it. 在枋寮可以游泳 , 只是游泳的人不多而已 .

6. There are many secret waterfalls in the mountains. 山區有很多隱密的瀑布 .

7. Whatever you do, don't bring the Delta variant back to your small village in Fangshan. 無論你做什麼 , 千萬不要把Delta帶回去你枋山的小村莊 .

8. It might seem like some people have a lot of power, but given enough collective apathy their ideas can be minimized. 有些人看起來似乎很有勢力 , 可是只要大眾不理他, 他們的影響力就不足為道.

9. Xiaoliuqiu has never been, nor will ever be, that fun.  It will always be too small for the scene they're trying to create. 小琉球現在不是 , 未來也不會多好玩 .  那個島嶼太小了 , 不符合他們所要塑造的形象 .

10. Watch your ass driving around central Donggang. 在東港市區開車要特別小心 .

11. Ditto for driving around traffic circles in Chaozhou. 在潮州的圓環也要特別小心 .

12. Ditto for driving near department stores in Pingtung City. 在屏東市百貨公司附近也要特別小心 .

13. Nothing is as potentially dangerous as an elderly, unhelmeted person driving a scooter through a traditional market.  Nothing. 沒有比年紀大且沒戴安全帽 , 並經過傳統菜市場的摩托車騎士更危險的人了 .

14. Good manners are wasted on some people. 對有些人保持禮貌真是浪費時間 .

15. There are shades of both "legal" and "illegal." 有時候區分"非法的"跟"合法的"不是一件簡單的事情  .

16. Some older people have a strange loyalty to the powdered "coffee" served at breakfast restaurants. 有些年記大的人對早餐店賣的那種三合一咖啡很有忠誠度 .

17. However strange I become, I will never be as strange as a couple of the other foreign teachers in Pingtung. 不管我變得多奇怪 , 我還是沒有屏東某一兩個外師奇怪 .

18. Many Hakka areas aren't really Hakka anymore. 有些客家人的聚落已經不像客家人的地方了 .

19. Any meal that costs over 200 NT, and which is sold in a restaurant between Pingtung City and Kenting is probably not worth the money. 屏東市墾丁之間 , 超過200元的餐點就算太貴了.

20. If I'm ever irrationally angry it's probably just the heat.  It gets HOT down here sometimes. 如果我火大不耐煩,真正的原因大概是因為天氣熱 . 這裡的天氣有時候真的很熱 .

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