There are 29 townships, 3 municipalities and one city in Pingtung County. It's exhausting to include news from every township, municipality and Pingtung City every time, so what I'll do instead is include news items from eleven different townships or municipalities in each entry. This way I should be able to work my way through Pingtung County every three entries. 屏東縣包含了29個鄉, 3個鎮還有屏東市. 每次討論所有鄉鎮的新聞太累了, 所以我會每次討論11個鄉鎮的報告. 這樣子我每三篇新聞文章就會涵蓋到全縣內鄉鎮的新聞.
1. Ligang Township 里港鄉
1a. Police in Pingtung have been working hard to reduce traffic fatalities in the county. As part of this effort, officers have been stationed at busy intersections to help direct traffic flow. Recent deployments of officers to Pingtung City, Chaozhou, Neipu, Fangliao and Ligang has resulted in a dramatic reduction in deaths throughout the county. 交通尖峰時段屏東義交路口指揮車禍少8成 即起再廣大到里港等3鄉 (1)
1a. Residents of Ligang are worried about the local water utility's plan to utilize groundwater in the area. They are concerned about subsidence, the availability of water for agriculture, and the quality of water supplied to their homes. The water utility is attempting to convince residents that there's nothing to worry about. 里港自來水源將抽地下水 縣府 : 免擔心
2. Gaoshu Township 高樹鄉
2a. Police officers were up late promoting traffic safety during a concert in Gaoshu. Drunk driving is a big problem in the area. 高樹鄉中秋賞樂晚會 鄉親同歡樂里警不停歇做交安宣導
3. Sandimen Township 三地門鄉
3a. 140 drivers got speeding tickets on Highway 24 through Sandimen during the recent four-day weekend. 台24線三地門 , 霧台彎道多速限30 連假開140張超速罰單
3b. Residents of Sandimen received a temporary reprieve from having to pay the garbage collection fee. The Sandimen Township Office cited recent covid-related economic hardship as the reason. 屏東三地門鄉紓困加碼 免收垃圾清潔規費
3c. A drunk driver managed to get his car stuck between two trees. The result was, in some people's words, an impressive display of parking ability. 屏東三地們最強停車 ! 車身卡2樹間 眾人驚 : 比賣豆腐還厲害
4. Wutai Township 霧台鄉
4a. Aside from the news regarding Highway 24 above, which also involves Wutai, no recent news.
5. Jiouru Township 九如鄉
5a. Along with "green energy" comes green energy-related crime. A resident of Jiouru recently stole several thousand NT worth of solar panel cables from an elementary school there. He was apprehended soon after. 穿雨衣破壞監視器 男子竊校園太陽能電纜仍落網
6. Yanpu Township 鹽埔鄉
6a. An all-ages playground was recently opened in Yanpu's Social Welfare Building. 鹽埔共融遊戲社福館開幕 親子玩翻
7. Pingtung City 屏東市
7a. The Pingtung County Government recently held a "digital life market" in the hopes of attracting young people back to the area. The government wants to build up more industries and digital infrastructure in Pingtung. 屏東數位生活市集 知性又好玩
7b. The Shengli Star Village, an outdoor market near Pingtung Park in Pingtung City, attracted a lot of visitors during the four-day weekend. 中秋連假迎久違人潮 屏東勝利星村遊客回籠7成
7c. Several neighborhoods (districts) in Pingtung City were merged recently, and the Household Registration Office is urging residents to update their IDs and household registration documents to reflect the change. 屏東市12萬人戶籍資料異動 公所籲抽空改註身分證
8. Chang Jr Township 長治鄉
8a. No recent news out of Chang Jr.
9. Linluo Township 麟洛鄉
9a. The park across from the Linluo Train Station is featured in this article. It was designed to reflect local Hakka culture. 屏東麟洛鄉公園有特色 結合民間信仰打造花轎遊具
10. Jhutian Township 竹田鄉
10a. No recent news out of Jhutian.
11. Neipu Township 內埔鄉
11a. A cement truck flipped over not far from the Jung Shan Freeway's Pingtung City exit. This exit is actually in Neipu, on the opposite side of Linluo from Pingtung City. And yes, some of those guys drive WAY too fast. 屏東縣又有水泥車翻車 ! 這次換內埔
11b. A shrine dedicated to unmarried soldiers was recently moved from Jiayi to Neipu. 屏東內埔在台單身亡故榮民遷厝嘉義縣忠靈祠晉塔安厝典禮
Related Entries 相關的文章:
NOTE: Another news item was a heavy rain warning, but the promised heavy rains didn't really happen. The typhoon veered east, and we still had to work that day. Sigh.
1. About ten people die in traffic accidents every month in Pingtung.