2023年11月15日 星期三

I Want to Be a Youtuber

1. What's your dream job?

What would I do if I wasn't a teacher?  Getting paid to write wouldn't be a bad gig, but I worry that relying on that kind of job would make me weird and broody.  One thing about teaching is that it forces me to work with many different kinds of people, and this aspect of the job pushes me out of my shell a little bit.  Being a full-time writer sounds like fun, but in 2023 that's also a hard way to make a living.  Many of my favorite novelists, journalists and travel writers did not live to enjoy fame or fortune in their lifetimes.

When the subject of dream jobs comes up I often joke and answer with "adult film star," but really, I'm married and that sounds like a sad occupation to me.  When you see how those movies are filmed -- and I've watched a few such documentaries -- the shine comes right off of them.  Not to mention communicable diseases.  Not to mention extreme difficulty in maintaining romantic relationships.  Not to mention the social stigma, which despite some people's version of "liberated thinking" is still very, very real.

Maybe I should think about this question more.  Maybe it'll be a source of inspiration, and I'll embark on a new career as a result of such cogitation.  I'll get back to you; give me a while to think it over.

2. Do you want to be a pro gamer?  Why or why not?

No, I have limited patience when it comes to most video games.  The last game I really, really enjoyed was Mario Odyssey, which I won even if I didn't go through all the bonus levels.  Before that it was Mario Kart 8.  Before that it might have been God of War or whatever the last version of Street Fighter on the PS4 was.

Important Information About Me: In Mario Kart I always play Yoshi, and in Street Fighter I always play either Cammy or Dhalsim.

I enjoyed Zelda: Breath of the Wild and I played the sequel for a short time.  My trouble with those two games is that after 10 minutes or so I start walking in random directions toward whatever geographical feature interests me.  Soon after that I completely forget what I was trying to accomplish in the game.  I also find the shrines extremely tiresome.

3. In what order does the writer talk about his points?

I talk about my points in the order they're presented in the textbook.  That is if I really have points.  I'm not sure if I do.

4. What do you want to do in the future?

Five minutes from now I want to finish typing this.  Ten minutes from now I want to drink some water.  Twenty minutes from now I want to stare at Reddit for a while, maybe check the score on the Seahawks/Commanders game.  Forty minutes from now I'll likely be doing the same thing.  An hour and a half from now I have no idea.  Three hours from now I want to pick up my daughter from a nearby 7-11.  Six hours from now I don't want to be teaching class, but there's no practical way to avoid it.  Twelve hours from now I want to be eating seafood at a local restaurant.  A day from now I want to not be standing during the school flag raising ceremony, but that's not in the cards.  Two days from now I want to have McDonald's for breakfast.  Four days from now I want to drink gin and tonics after work.  Eight days from now I want to not be irritated during the English teachers' meeting.  Sixteen days from now I want the 803 class to not make me angry.  A month from now I want to feel the end of the semester approaching.  Two months from now I want to be on vacation.

5. What's your job?

I teach English at a junior high and an elementary school in Hengchun Municipality, Pingtung County, Taiwan.  I've been doing so for over a year now, and I will probably be doing so next year as well.

I also have a part-time job as a Cat Feeder in my house, where I dispense cat food, fill water bowls and clean an endlessly overflowing litter box.  This part-time job, unfortunately, does not provide me with any additional monies in either New Taiwan Dollars or currencies minted by other national governments.  I'm sad to say that this job actually involves considerable personal expense on my part, and for all my hard work the four cats living at my house have yet to offer me any kind of leave from work or any financial incentives beyond the fallen change they occasionally find under the living room couch.

6. Where do you work?

As said above, I work in Hengchun Municipality.  Hengchun Municipality is the southernmost administrative division on Taiwan's main island, and one of three municipalities in Pingtung County.  Famous spots in Hengchun include the Hengchun Old City (i.e. the old city gates and fortifications), Nanwan ("South Bay"), Kenting Night Market and parts of Kenting National Park.  Hengchun is very windy right now, but the weather's cooler than it was a month ago.

And what about you?  What's your dream job?  Do you want to be a pro gamer?  What do you want to do in the future?  What's your job?  Where do you work?

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