2023年1月11日 星期三

The Wind 風

They never tell you about the wind.  Up to a few months ago I only came here in the summer, when the sky is blue and the weather's hot, and I never thought about the wind unless I went to the beach and saw the red flags flying. 人們不會跟你說的是風有多強!  我以前都是夏天來恆春, 看到的是藍藍的天空 , 感受到的是炎熱的天氣 ,在沙灘上偶爾看到代表風浪強的紅旗跟著風搖來搖去。

In the winter it's another story.  In the winter the wind is everywhere, and even in the confines of my house I can hear it shrieking through the trees, pushing things over, and making a nuisance of itself in other ways. 這裡的冬天完全不一樣 。  冬天的時候風無處不在, 連我在房子裡都能聽到風吹打樹木的聲音, 或是推倒其他東西的碰撞聲。

At night, when I'm trying to sleep, I can hear the wind raging against the walls of my house.  I take some comfort in the fact that this house was built long ago, and has withstood many such onslaughts, but just the same it's hard to ignore the fury of the wind.  I hear the metal shutters outside my bedroom window complain, I hear the window frames slap together, and I hear the groan of trees across the street.  The wind will not let anything be. 晚上睡覺時會聽到強風撞擊著房子的牆壁 ,  還好我住的舊房子頂住了多年的強風仍屹立不搖,  只會聽到外面的風聲而已 。  我會聽到窗戶外面鐵門的拍打聲、窗框"咖咖咖"的撞擊聲, 和外邊的樹枝樹葉摩擦搖晃的聲音。  風不會讓任何地表上的任何物品鬆口氣! 

It's the same when I ride my bike to school.  Sometimes I have to think about what I'll wear each day, avoiding any loose clothing.  I often have to hold my hat upon my head as I ride out of the village, and when I near the big temple gate I have to bow down low, straining my legs against the force of the wind.  As I struggle forward I see bits of plants and plastic that the wind has sent hurtling across the road, each bit destined to land in some other place, far beyond my sight. 我騎單車到學校也一樣 ,  我有時候要考慮一下當天要穿什麼衣服 , 不可以穿寬鬆的衣物 。  我從村子出發的時候要用手壓好我的帽子 , 靠近廟的牌樓時要彎腰 , 並用力踏單車的踏板 。  風那麼強大 , 連路邊的雜草和塑膠垃圾都被吹到莫名其妙的遠處 。

The wind.  Occasionally it's a perfect day, with the sun shining just as brightly as it does in the summer, but then the wind reasserts itself, reentering the towns and villages with a vengeance.  We'll have a moment of peace, only to have that moment disturbed by overturned scooters, lost umbrellas and scattered items of clothing. 那個風 !  偶爾天氣很好  ,像夏天一般艷陽高照 。 可是風會突然復活 , 火大地回到各鄉村裡 。  只有一下子的平靜 , 下一刻就是倒了的機車 、 不見了雨傘和找不到衣服的情景。 

There are times when I'm angry at the wind.  "There are things I want to do today," I protest, "But you're making them difficult." 我有時候跟風生氣 :  "我今天有想做的事 !" 我抗議 ! "你讓那些事變得難以達成 !"

There are times when I'm almost at peace with the wind.  "Rage on!" I yell, "I will not fall off my bike today!  I will press forward!" 我有時候可以接受強風的挑戰。  "來啊 !" 我大聲罵風 , "我今天不會掉下腳踏車 !  我會一直往前走 !"

There are even times when I like the wind.  I'll be at home, in the midst of my cats, drinking a beer or watching a movie, and the sound of the wind's passage will make the inside of a living room seem more special, and more secure. 我有時候喜歡風 。  那是我在家跟貓咪一起坐在沙發上喝啤酒或看電影的時候 。 風在外面呼嘯的聲音讓客廳顯得更溫暖 , 更牢固 。

The wind, the wind, the wind.  When will it stop?  When will another season arrive, so that I can go back to all my swimming and beachgoing, hiking and lazing in the sun?  None can say with certainty, but most of us are hoping that day comes soon. 風 、 風 、 風 !  風什麼時候會停下來 ?  下一個季節快到了嗎 ?  我很想游泳 ,很想到沙灘上, 很想去爬山 , 也很想去曬太陽 。  沒有人可以肯定的說出那個時間, 但我們都希望那天早日到來。

They never tell you about the wind, but then again why would they?  The wind is a thing they'd like to forget, and not a thing to carry around in your thoughts on summer days.  The wind will disappear in the summer, when the sky is blue and the weather's hot, and at that time we won't think about the wind unless we go to the beach, and see the red flags flying. 沒有人會跟你說風的強大 ,為什麼要說呢 ?  他們都不要把風放在心上 , 沒有必要在夏天想到 。  夏天的天空很藍 , 天氣很熱 , 只有去到沙灘看到紅色的旗子才會想到 。

But maybe the wind has other plans.  Only the wind can say. 也許風有其他的計畫 , 那只有風可說 。

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