2024年4月14日 星期日

鳳山舊城 , 左營 Zuoying's "Old City"

除了荷蘭人蓋的幾座紅毛城之外 , 台灣本島第一座中式城池 , 為康熙六十一年 (一七二二) , 於鳳山縣治所在地興隆莊 (今左營) 所築之土城 .  土城周圍八一0丈左倚龜山 , 右連蛇山 , 開四門 , 外有城濠 . Aside from the fortifications built [in Tainan] by the Dutch, the first fortified city built in Taiwan was the old fortified city built in what is now Zuoying [District, in Kaohsiung City].  The site [of this fortification] is in Xinglong Village, which was then under the administration of the provincial government in Fengshan.  It dates back to the 61st year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1722), and the area fortified was 810 feet around, with Turtle Mountain one side and Snake Mountain on the other.  The fortifications consisted of four gates and a moat. (1)

當初之所以興建鳳山縣城 , 乃是康熙六0年時朱一貴在台灣南部舉事 , 首先攻破鳳山 , 把總林富被殺 , 守備劉定國兵敗後自盡 .  在慘痛的教訓下不得不築城以自保 , 雖然該城在永正十二年 (一七三四) 加植刺竹 , 乾隆二十五年 (一七六0) 又在四門增設砲位 .  但是在乾隆五十一年林爽文 , 莊大田率眾蜂起時 , 依然被攻破 .  不過翌年即為海壇總兵郝壯猶收復 , 但未幾又再陷敵手 .  直到乾隆五十三年 , 才由福康安獲得最後勝利 . The Fengshan Provincial Government was located in that area as a response to Zhu Yi-gui's uprising [against the Qing government] in south Taiwan during the 60th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign.  Zhu Yi-gui's [forces] first attacked Fengshan and killed the general Lin Fu there, and the defending commander, Liu Ding-guo, committed suicide after the Qing forces were defeated.  [For the Qing forces] it proved a painful lesson, and the need for better fortifications became clear.

The city's [original] defenses consisted of thorny bamboo screens which had been planted there during the 12th year of Emperor Yongzheng's reign (1734), and four cannon emplacements were added during the 25th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign (1760).  In the 51st year of Qianlong's reign, Lin Shuang-wen and Zhuang Da-tian led another uprising and the Qing were defeated.  During the following year, commander Hao Zhuang-yu recovered it, only to have it fall into enemy hands again soon after.  It wasn't until the 53rd year of Qianlong's reign that [the insurgents] were finally defeated, and Fu Kang claimed victory for the Qing. (2)

在連年戰火的摧殘之下 , 這座土城早已面目全非 .  此時地方官員以為鳳山城倚山而建 , 易攻難守 , 又覺得興隆莊多兵災 , 為不祥之地 , 乃決議將縣治遷往大竹橋莊陂頭街 (今高雄市鳳山區) . After [multiple assaults] during successive years of war, the [original] earthen city had changed almost beyond recognition.  At this time the local officials felt that the city's position near the mountains made it too easy to attack and too difficult to defend.  They also felt that Xinglong Village was an ill-favored place due to previous disasters which had occurred there.  For these reasons they decided to move the provincial government to Pitou Street in Dazhuqiao Village (present day-Fengshan District in Kaohsiung City).

變更縣治所在並不能改變鳳山縣的噩運 .  乾隆六0年 , 當地人士陳周全與陳光愛興兵 , 雖為理蕃同知朱慧昌平定 , 但嘉慶十一年 (一八0六) , 自封鎮海威武王的海盜蔡牽 , 吳淮泗又陷陂頭街新治 .  清廷大員又認為此處 "土薄水淺 , 地苦潮濕" , 而且地勢又孤立無援 .  將軍賽沖阿乃奏請遷回舊城 , 閩浙總督方維甸亦有此議 , 但因經費無著而未獲 . Moving the provincial government, however, didn't change the Fengshan Provincial Government's fortunes.  During the 60th year of Emperor Qianlong's reign, local agitators Chen Zhou-quan and Chen Guang-ai raised an army [and began another uprising against the Qing authorities].  Even though Li Fan's associate Zhu Hui-chang put down this uprising, during the 11th year of Emperor Jiaqing (1806) the pirate Tsai Qian, proclaiming himself "Great King of Zhenhai," and Wu Huai-sse overran the new seat of the provincial government.

Officials at the Qing Court also believed that this area had "thin soil, shallow water and a bitter and humid terrain."  They considered it an isolated and indefensible place.  Later still the general Sai Chong A-nai petitioned to have the provincial government moved back to its original position [in present day Zuoying], and Fang Wei-dan, governor of Fujian and Zhejiang had a similar proposal, but this plan was not approved due to a lack of funds.

道光四年 (一八二四年) 福建巡撫孫爾準來台勘估 , 在地方官民願分擔築城費用後 , 決定將縣治重新移回興隆莊舊治 .  同年 , 鳳山檳榔販子許尚謨反 , 陂頭新治又失守 .  在此情況下 , 遷縣治之議終於獲 . During the 4th year of Emperor Daoguang's reign (1824), Fujian governor Suen Er-zhun arrived in Taiwan to assess the situation.  After finding that local officials and other residents were willing to bear the cost of the enterprise, he decided to move the seat of the provincial government back to Xinglong Village.  During the same year betel nut merchant Xu Shangmo led another rebellion against the Qing government while it was still located on Pitou Street [in Dazhuqiao Village], and control of the area was lost again.  In the face of such a loss the Qing Court could only agree to move the provincial government back to its original location.

道光五年 , 官民集資 , 由知縣杜紹祈督工 , 擴大興隆莊舊城基址 , 向東北移動 , 捨蛇山 , 將龜山圍入城中 .  城垣俱用打鼓山石砌築周圍一 , 二二四丈 (約四公里) , 設四門 , 並於四隅各築砲台 , 以增強防衛 . During the 5th year of Daoguang's reign both the local government and private individuals raised funds, and local magistrate Du Shaoqi oversaw the work of building a new fortification in Xinglong Village.  The size of the original site was expanded, it was extended to the northeast, and both Snake Mountain and Turtle Mountain were enclosed within the city wall.  This city wall was built with stones from [nearby] Gu ("drum") Mountain, and the wall extended for about four kilometers.  Four gates were built, with cannon emplacements at each corner of the city for added defense. (3)

鳳山舊城全部工程於道光六年完工 , 但無巧不巧 , 知縣杜紹祈卻在這個當口得急病而亡 .  此一惡耗傳出 , 眾人同指興隆莊 "煞氣太重" , 根本是不祥之地 , 縣治則仍留陂頭街新城 .  這座舊城則從此荒廢 , 終至坍塌 . The "Fenghshan" Old Fortified City was completed during the 6th year of Daoguang's reign.  Unfortunately magistrate Du Shaoqi died of a sudden illness at the same time.  After news of this unfortunate even spread everyone began to see Xinglong Village as "an ill-favored place" that should be avoided.  The provincial government thus remained on Pitou Street, and the "old" [new?] city, went unused and ended up collapsing from neglect.

Related Entries: 相關的文章:

NOTE: The Chinese text above was taken from "A History of Taiwanese Fortified Cities in Pictures" 圖說  台灣古城史 , published by 遠足文化 Walkers Cultural in 2014.  The Chinese was written by 載震宇 and the English was written by me.

1. Want to go see it?  The restored version can be reached on foot from the Zuoying Train Station.  Just take the local train south from Xin Zuoying.  After you exit the station walk south a little bit and you'll see it down a road to your right.

2. A big reason for this uprising was anger over taxes.  The Qing officials were very predatory about the taxes they exacted during this time, and many officials regarded the local population as a kind of "piggy bank" from which to fund their properties and family members back in China.  The Chinese text glosses over this fact, referring to the insurgents as "the enemy."  They had legitimate grievances.

3. Gu Mountain (Gushan) is just south of there.  It is the mountain for which Gushan District is named.

