2021年4月18日 星期日

Roaming Around Laiyi Township 來義鄉遊記

Laiyi Township is east of Xinpi and north of Chunrh.  It's very big, but not many people live there.  Most of the people that do are members of the Paiwan Tribe.  Their larger villages are all near the western edge of the township. 來義鄉位於新埤東部,春日的北部。來義鄉很大,可是人口很少。居民大部分是排灣族。他們最大的部落在來義鄉的西部。

Several villages in Laiyi have been moved from their original locations.  Thus there's "Laiyi Village" and "Old Laiyi Village."  Is it because of climate change?  Or just because people moved away?  I know of one village that was relocated after an especially strong typhoon, but there are others I'm not so sure about. 來義鄉的幾個部落是從原來的地方遷移來的,所以有來義部落舊來義村部落。是世界氣候變遷嗎?還是因為居民想搬到別的地方?我聽說其中一個部落是受到颱風重創而遷村,可是其他部落我就不清楚了。

According to the last census, there are 2,262 people living in Laiyi. 上次的人口統計表示來義鄉的人口是2,262人。

That village on the left is Nanhe, across the Lili River from Chunrh. 照片裡左邊的部落是南和,與春日各據力里溪的二邊。

There's a small aboriginal museum in Nanhe Village.  If you're in the area and interested in Paiwan culture it's worth a visit. 南和有一棟原住民博物館。對排灣文化有興趣的旅客應該去參觀一下。

On the other side of Nanhe a road leads over a hill to the Mountainside Highway (185). 南和另外一邊有條小路越過山坡往沿山公路

Further north, near the village of Wangjia, is this guy. 這位先生在北邊的望嘉村附近。

Still further north is Wenle Village. 繼續往北就到文樂部落。 (1)

"Papusauwan送祖靈的結界處 The Sacred Place Where Ancestral Spirits Are Sent Off

" Pucunug部落每五年在11月舉辦一次Maljeveq迎祖靈祭 , 祭典儀式為期30天 , 而祭典結束後會留下一位善靈與家人共同生活一年 .  During November every five years Pucunug (Wenle) Village holds the Maljeveq Ceremony to welcome the ancestral spirits.  The ceremony takes place over 30 days, and after it has been concluded good spirits will remain to live with their families for a year."

" 隔年Pusau送靈祭典的同一時間 , Para-aljai祭司帶領著部落族人至結界處送上祭品 , 祭告祖靈之後再全部一起送走 .  During the following year the Pasau Ceremony to send off the spirits will be held at the same time.  The Para-aljai, a holy man, will bring the members of the tribe here to make offerings, and the ancestral spirits will be sent off together."

Further north than that is Danlin Village. 更北邊有丹林部落。

This picture was taken from Danlin, looking down at the Linbian River.  The haze in the sky is dust.  It hadn't rained in a while. 從丹林往下看林邊溪。空氣中的灰塵很多。很久沒有下雨了。

This is a food "festival" in Danlin.  Vendors were selling coffee, donuts and a few other things. 丹林的農民市集。有人賣咖啡,甜甜圈,還有些其他東西。

The Danlin Suspension Bridge.  It's fairly popular with tourists. 丹林吊橋。這裡很受旅客的青睞。

The Xi Le Fa Fa Forest Park, on the other side of Laiyi Elementary School.  The building in the background is a traditional Paiwan house. 來義國小另外一邊的喜樂發發森林公園。後面的建築是傳統的排灣族屋。

Laiyi Village.  There are a many waterfalls and trails near here.  Some are easy to find, while others are harder to locate. 來義鄉部落。附近有很多瀑布,步道。有的很好找,有的比較隱密。

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Here it gets confusing, because Wenle, where Wenle Elementary School is located, is sometimes also referred to as Laiyi, and Google Maps labels it "Xinle."  A student at Wenle Elementary School once tried to explain the reasoning behind the various names to me.  All I got out of the conversation was a headache.

