2021年4月26日 星期一

Farming in Pingtung 屏東的農業 1

One big difference between Taitung, where I used to live, and Pingtung, where I now live, is the amount of land that's farmed and the number of crops grown in the county.  When I lived in Taitung I didn't feel like there was as much to say about either farmers or farming, whereas I now feel that it's impossible to talk about the county where I live without talking about what's grown here. 我以前居住的台東跟現在居住的屏東的主要差別是耕作面積的大小跟農產數量 .  我住台東的時候覺得農業或農夫沒有什麼好討論的 ; 現在談論我目前居住的地方時, 一定避不開農業 .

Farming in Pingtung is big business.  Pineapples have been in the news a lot lately, and a third of Taiwan's pineapple crop is grown here.  But farmers in Pingtung grow many other things, and the area has a LONG history of farming. 農業是屏東的重要產業 .  鳳梨最近一直出現在新聞上; 台灣1/3的鳳梨來自屏東 , 除了鳳梨, 屏東還有很多其他的農產品 .  屏東縣的農業有很長的歷史 .

Several important crops are listed on the Pingtung County Department of Agriculture's website.  These crops are listed below, and their primary areas of cultivation are on the map. 屏東縣農業處的網站有介紹當地農產的網頁 .  這些農產都在下面的列表裡 ; 農產的主要種植面積在地圖上 .

(1) wax apples 蓮霧
(2) candied dates 密棗
(3) mangoes 芒果
(4) bananas 香蕉
(5) pineapples 鳳梨
(6) papayas 木瓜
(7) lemons 檸檬
(8) dragonfruit 紅龍果
(9) roses 玫瑰
(10) orchids 文心蘭
(11) ornamental plants 葉材類
(12) rice 米
(13) quinoa 紅藜
(14) coffee beans 咖啡豆
(15) burdock (a plant used in Chinese medicine and occasionally eaten) 牛蒡
(16) bitter gourds 苦瓜
(17) onions 洋蔥
(18) cucumbers 小黃瓜
(19) red beans 紅豆

As you drive through Pingtung some crops are more visible than others.  Onion fields are easy to see at the southern end of the county.  As you go north from there the onion fields give way to mango fields.  In central Pingtung (Fangshan, Fangliao and other nearby townships), mangoes are everywhere, giving way to pineapples, rice and other crops as you move north.  They grow a lot of red beans around Wandan, which is famous for its red bean cakes, and many farmers grow coffee beans near the mountains. 當你開車經過屏東縣時 , 有的農作物比其他的明顯 .  在屏東縣的南端很容易看到洋蔥田 , 往北走的時候, 芒果園取代了洋蔥 .  屏東縣的中部 (枋山 , 枋寮附近 ) 到處都有芒果園 .  繼續往北走的時候 , 芒果漸漸被鳳梨 , 稻米和其他作物取代 .  以紅豆餅出名的萬丹附近種了很多紅豆 ; 靠近山區則有比較多人種咖啡豆 .

Lemons seem to be a newer crop in Pingtung, and the county government has been promoting them alongside locally grown cocoa beans, which aren't listed above.  The local agricultural industry might seem changeless, but in truth it's always changing alongside market conditions. 檸檬屏東好像是比較新的農產品 .  縣府也在推廣檸檬跟沒有在列表裡的可可果 .  當地農業雖然看似不會改變 , 其實都跟著市場狀況在調整 .

You may notice one glaring omission in the list above.  This is betel nut, which is grown all over the county.  Why doesn't the county government list this crop on their website?  Health concerns are definitely part of the reason, as is the local government's efforts to steer local farmers away from growing that crop.  Betel nut is definitely not good for your health, and the trees, when grown over large plots of land in the mountains, are a cause of erosion. 你應該也想到了沒有在列表裡的農產品吧 .  就是屏東縣到處都種的檳榔 .  縣政府為什麼沒有在網頁上介紹檳榔 ?  健康考量絕對是很大部分的原因 , 當地政府機關也努力引導農夫種其他的農產品 .  檳榔對身體不好 , 而且在山坡地上種檳榔樹也讓土石流的問題更嚴重 .

Another crop missing from the list is sugar cane, perhaps for more obvious reasons.  Pingtung has a long history of sugar cane production and refining, but that industry is pretty much dead now.  The sugar refineries of yesteryear have been converted into recreational areas, and there aren't many cane fields in present day Pingtung. 上面的列表中也沒有甘蔗 , 可是它不在表內的理由比較明顯 .  屏東的製糖業有很長的歷史 , 可是製糖已經是過去的事了 .  目前, 這些糖廠已經變成休閒地區 ; 現在的屏東沒有那麼多甘蔗了 .

Related Entries 相關的文章:

NOTE: Take the map above with a grain of salt.  It is only intended to offer a general idea of how and where farming is done in Pingtung.  Many crops are farmed outside their "main area of cultivation," especially pineapples.

