2021年3月22日 星期一

Roaming Around Nanzhou 南州一日遊

Nanzhou Township is north of Linbian and west of Xinpi.  Most people know the name of the township from the freeway interchange near there. 南州鄉位於林邊鄉以北 , 新埤鄉以西.  很多人因為附近的交流道而認識 "南州" 這個地方的名字.

The only famous (?) thing in Nanzhou is the old sugar refinery.  This sugar refinery isn't far from the freeway interchange and Nanzhou Train Station. 南州有名(?)的景點只有糖廠.  糖廠離交流道和南州車站很近.

According to the last census, there are 10,342 people living in Nanzhou.  Most of these people live near the Nanzhou Train Station. 上次的人口統計顯示南州的人口有10,342人.  大多數的人口居住在南州車站附近.

This is looking east from the Nanzhou Athletic Park.  The Jung Shan Freeway is in the background. 從南州運動公園往西邊看.  背景中的是中山高速公路.

There are still a lot of old advertisements like this on the sides of buildings in Nanzhou. 南州很多棟建築物還留有這種廣告.

This is "downtown" Nanzhou.  I pass through here on my way to Nanzhou Junior High School every three weeks. 這是南州市區.  我每三個禮拜去南州國中時會經過這裡.

Most people there seem to prefer buying breakfast from roadside stalls like this one. 當地人好像比較喜歡在路邊的小攤子買早餐.

These semi-horrifying children are to be found at Nanzhou Elementary School.  These aren't even the scariest statues there. 這兩位恐怖的小朋友在南州國小.  這兩位還是不算最恐怖的.

The Nanzhou Train Station.  If you're taking the slow train through the area, it's the stop between Zhenan and Kanding. 南州車站.  坐區間車的時候, 南州鎮安崁頂中間.

This is inside the Nanzhou Sugar Refinery.  Sugar was once big business in Taiwan, and places like this are evidence of that once mighty industry.  Even compared to other sugar refineries, this place is not that interesting. 南州糖廠裡面.  以前臺灣的糖業很發達; 這些糖廠都是當時糖業興盛的證據.  跟其他的糖廠比, 南州糖廠不是很有趣. (1)

There are some night market-style games for kids inside... 這部分有點像夜市.

...and also some artifacts from the train line which used to transport sugar in and out of the refinery.  These trains were also valued as forms of public transport. 還有當時糖廠留下來運送貨物的設備.  這種小火車以前也當公共交通工具.

They'd just finished pruning the trees before I got there.  You can see the pruned trees in one of the pictures above. 我到之前他們修剪完的樹枝.  修剪後的樹在上面的照片可以看到.

The Pingtung County Government is vigorously promoting coffee beans and cocoa beans throughout the county.  There are areas like this one in other townships. 屏東縣政府積極地推廣可可豆跟咖啡豆.  其他鄉鎮也有這種園區.

The fruit of local cocoa trees. 當地的可可果.

Aside from a few locals singing KTV there wasn't much going on here. 這裡只有幾個人唱卡拉ok, 不是很熱鬧...

But the walkway above does lead to this thing, which I thought was cool.  I'm guessing the Japanese Colonial Government left it behind? 可是上一張照片的人行道連接到這個東西.  我覺得很酷.  是日本人留下來的吧.

This is the other side of it.  There were no signs nearby, and I don't know how long it would take a tree to grow that big. 這個東西的另外一邊.  附近沒有介紹牌; 我也不知道這種樹長那麼大需要多久的時間.

Beyond "downtown" Nanzhou most of the township looks like this.  Rice, mangoes, betel nut, wax apples, bananas and certainly a few other local crops. 南州市區之外的南州都像這張照片.  稻米, 芒果, 檳榔, 蓮霧, 香蕉和其他的農作物.

Related Entries 相關的文章:

1. Here's a list, in Chinese, with pictures of various facilities used for refining, transporting or packaging sugar.  I've visited quite a few of these places, and in my opinion the most interesting is the Ciaotou Sugar Refinery in Kaohsiung.

