2020年12月31日 星期四

Roaming Around Fangshan Township 枋山鄉幾個日遊

Fangshan Township is south of Fangliao Township.  It's basically just the stretch of Highway 1 between Fangliao and Checheng.  Almost everything east of the highway is in Shrdze Township.  To the west of Fangshan is the Taiwan Strait. 枋山鄉位於枋寮鄉以南.  台1線枋寮車城之間的那一段是枋山鄉的大部分.  省道的東邊是獅子鄉, 西邊就是台灣海峽.

Tourist sites in Fangshan?  I suppose you could visit President Tsai Ying-wen's ancestral home in Fenggang, but aside from that there's little aside from roadside stalls selling coffee or fruit. 枋山的景點?  楓港有總統蔡英文的祖厝.  除了這個地方, 只有賣水果或咖啡的攤子.

According to the last census, there are 5,242 people living in Fengshan.  Most of these people live in Fenggang, with smaller communities in Jialu, Central Fangshan and Jhukeng. 上次的人口統計顯示枋山的人口有5,242人.  楓港的人口最多, 加祿, 枋山市區跟竹坑的人口都比較少.

All of the pictures in this entry were taken between March and August of this year.  They're a bit older than I'd like, but then again I've visited recently and didn't notice any changes. 這文章裡的照片都是 今年三月至八月的時候拍的.  有點過期了, 可是我最近也去過枋山, 風景沒有任何改變.

This above picture was taken near the Fenggang Fishing Port. 上面的照片是在楓港漁港附近拍的.

A nearby mango field. 附近的芒果園.

President Tsai Ying-wen's ancestral home.  I doubt she's spent much time in this place, but locals seem very proud of it. 總統蔡英文的祖厝.  她大概在這裡的時間不長, 可是當地人好像覺得這個地方很特別.

In Fenggang there are many stalls along the highway.  Barbecued squid is big business. 在楓港公路旁邊有很多攤子.  很多人賣魷魚.

North of Fenggang is Central Fangshan. 楓港北邊有枋山市區.

We almost rented a house near here last summer.  I'm glad I came to my senses and chose not to.  It would've been a LONG drive to work every day. 我們夏天的時候考慮過在這裡租房子.  還好最後決定不要了.  從那邊上下班有一段路.

There are a lot of abandoned houses in the area. 這個地區的空房子超多.

Still further north is Jialu, a town not far from where I live.  It's just over the border from Fangliao Township. 往北有加祿, 靠近我住的村子.  過枋寮的邊界就到了.

This picture was taken in Jialu Elementary School.  Jialu is the last station before Fangliao, and only the slowest trains stop there. 這張是在加祿國小拍的.  加祿車站就是枋寮以南的第一個車站, 只有區間車停靠那裏.

The beaches in Jialu are surprisingly clean.  Maybe it's because there's nothing famous in that area? 加祿的海灘很乾淨.  可能是因為附近沒有景點吧.

And this picture?  I know it's in Fangshan, but I can't remember where I was when I took it.  I suspect it's somewhere between Jialu and Central Fangshan, not far from where the coffee vendors set up shop. 這張照片呢?  我知道我是在枋山拍的, 可是忘了是在枋山哪裡.  我想大概在加祿枋山市區中間的某個角落, 靠近賣咖啡的攤子吧.

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